Tag Archives: james-ellroy

Postcard from Venice: Farewell to the Festival (and a Possible Golden Lion Winner)

This year the European press has complained bitterly about the quality of the films chosen first for Berlin, then for Cannes: The sense seemed to be that the selection committees for these festivals had somehow failed to find the best films out there, though of course it’s hard to know how much of the problem lies in programming and how much can be attributed to the quality of the raw goods out there. Festivals can make programming choices, but they can’t pull great movies out of thin air.

See the original post here:
Postcard from Venice: Farewell to the Festival (and a Possible Golden Lion Winner)

From the Vault: Anne Rice Reminds Authors How to Keep it Real With Hollywood

The novelist James Ellroy, a man who knows from both successful and unsuccessful screen adaptations of his work, is fond of saying that money is the gift no one ever returns. But in Hollywood, anyway, that doesn’t mean you can’t complain about it being the wrong size, the wrong color, redundant or any litany of other common gripes by authors who stand by as their darlings are shredded at the movies. And few ever did it better than Anne Rice right here at Movieline.

See more here:
From the Vault: Anne Rice Reminds Authors How to Keep it Real With Hollywood