Tag Archives: jason eisener

Isaiah Mustafa’s New Video: Old Spice Ad or Tyler Perry Audition?

Good news: Isaiah Mustafa is back with another Old Spice viral video! Bad news: The luster has completely worn off. Like, down to the nub. Alas. On the bright side, though, perhaps this latest bit of shirtless enunciation sheds some light on what to expect from Mustafa’s co-starring role in Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Big Happy Family . Or, not. Click ahead to watch the man your man could smell like discuss his upcoming set of Old Spice advertisements. Super Bowl, anyone?

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Isaiah Mustafa’s New Video: Old Spice Ad or Tyler Perry Audition?

Hobo with a Shotgun Star Rutger Hauer: ‘I’ve Been Underrated All My Life’

Forget Lizzie Olsen ; the breakout star of Sundance 2011 is clearly 67-year-old Rutger Hauer, who’s taken Park City by storm with his star turn in Jason Eisener’s grindhouse homage Hobo with a Shotgun . To celebrate the gory, tongue-in-cheek vigilante tale about — yes — a homeless hero with a shotgun, the Hobo folks hosted a thematically relevant Bloody Mary hour this morning where Hauer walked in wielding his titular firearm and regaled Movieline with six important revelations/life lessons:

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Hobo with a Shotgun Star Rutger Hauer: ‘I’ve Been Underrated All My Life’

The 9 Batsh*t-Craziest Lines Heard at the Hobo with a Shotgun Premiere

“Let’s tear this place apart!” So instructed director Jason Eisener before Friday’s midnight premiere of Hobo with a Shotgun , the unabashedly campy Canadian-American grindhouse flick about a homeless drifter who cleans up the streets of a depraved urban metropolis with only a pawn shop shotgun and plenty of gloriously insane death-dealing catchphrases in his arsenal. And while it may have disappointed Eisener and Co. that an actual riot didn’t erupt before or after their film, they must have been pleased that Hobo played exactly right to just the genre-loving crowd it was made for.

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The 9 Batsh*t-Craziest Lines Heard at the Hobo with a Shotgun Premiere

The 9 Batsh*t-Craziest Lines Heard at the Hobo with a Shotgun Premiere

“Let’s tear this place apart!” So instructed director Jason Eisener before Friday’s midnight premiere of Hobo with a Shotgun , the unabashedly campy Canadian-American grindhouse flick about a homeless drifter who cleans up the streets of a depraved urban metropolis with only a pawn shop shotgun and plenty of gloriously insane death-dealing catchphrases in his arsenal. And while it may have disappointed Eisener and Co. that an actual riot didn’t erupt before or after their film, they must have been pleased that Hobo played exactly right to just the genre-loving crowd it was made for.

The 9 Batsh*t-Craziest Lines Heard at the Hobo with a Shotgun Premiere