Tag Archives: sundance 2011

Joshua Leonard on His Directing Debut The Lie, And the Fine Art of Dark Humor

Actor. Writer. Photographer. Musician. And now Joshua Leonard makes his feature directing debut this week with The Lie , a darkly comic, sneakily moving vision of 30-something parenthood.

Joshua Leonard on His Directing Debut The Lie, And the Fine Art of Dark Humor

TRAILER: Morgan Spurlock Gloriously Sells Out in The Greatest Movie Ever Sold

With everything in the world going to pot, sometimes it’s hard to remember that documentaries can be fun. Not everything has to be a downer like Restrepo or a outrageous indictment like Inside Job ! Banksy knew this all too well, which is part of the reason why Exit Through the Gift Shop was so well-received last year. Morgan Spurlock knows it, too, which is which The Greatest Movie Ever Sold will be so well-received this year.

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TRAILER: Morgan Spurlock Gloriously Sells Out in The Greatest Movie Ever Sold

The Music Never Stopped Trailer: J.K. Simmons Wants You to Turn Down that Racket

Aw man, another movie about some guy who gets a brain tumor only to be nursed back to his former self through music by Bob Dylan and the Grateful Dead? Okay fine, we have probably actually never seen this plot in a Sundance Dramedy, but by the end of the trailer for The Music Never Stops it’s pretty clear that this is just a backdrop for an father (J.K. Simmons) reconnecting with his estranged son (Lou Taylor Pucci), which might explain why it all feels so familiar.

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The Music Never Stopped Trailer: J.K. Simmons Wants You to Turn Down that Racket

The Music Never Stopped Trailer: J.K. Simmons Wants You to Turn Down that Racket

Aw man, another movie about some guy who gets a brain tumor only to be nursed back to his former self through music by Bob Dylan and the Grateful Dead? Okay fine, we have probably actually never seen this plot in a Sundance Dramedy, but by the end of the trailer for The Music Never Stops it’s pretty clear that this is just a backdrop for an father (J.K. Simmons) reconnecting with his estranged son (Lou Taylor Pucci), which might explain why it all feels so familiar.

See the rest here:
The Music Never Stopped Trailer: J.K. Simmons Wants You to Turn Down that Racket

VIDEO: Just Another NSFW Day at the Office For Gregg Araki, Kaboom Cast

So you might have heard director Gregg Araki’s latest, Kaboom , is somewhat… forward with its sexuality. This isn’t exactly a new development for the indie bad boy, who has long approached his films’ subject matter — from The Living End to The Doom Generation to Mysterious Skin — with a frankness as tender as it can be shocking. Movieline’s Alonso Duralde caught up with Araki at Sundance, where the filmmaker and his cast (including, pictured from right to left, Juno Temple, Thomas Dekker, Chris Zylka and Haley Bennett) elaborated on the process of exploring and nailing down Kaboom ‘s funny, trippy and, yes, horny dynamics.

Continued here:
VIDEO: Just Another NSFW Day at the Office For Gregg Araki, Kaboom Cast

BREAKING: Someone Has Taken Mel Gibson’s Beaver Hostage

The Beaver , Jodie Foster’s upcoming film which could salvage the image of its controversy-prone lead Mel Gibson, was supposed to premiere this spring at SXSW but a pirated version could be coming to you much sooner. Summit Entertainment sent a DVD copy of the final cut to Gibson’s home last night and after viewing, Gibson put the DVD in his mailbox so that a courier could return it to Summit. When the courier arrived, though, the DVD was gone. Please contact the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department if you have any information on this theft. [ TMZ ]

Originally posted here:
BREAKING: Someone Has Taken Mel Gibson’s Beaver Hostage

Comedy Meets Tragedy in Shut Up Little Man! An Audio Misadventure

There’s something hilarious about eavesdropping on an argument between strangers, but if you learn enough about the people involved, you stop laughing and maybe start feeling sorry for those people. And that’s the arc of Shut Up Little Man! An Audio Misadventure , which explores the 1990s underground comedy phenomenon and explores the all-too-human side of it.

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Comedy Meets Tragedy in Shut Up Little Man! An Audio Misadventure

Black Swan’s Special Effects Revealed to be Often Hilarious

Black Swan is already funny. It’s got Bad Movie We Love written all over its bloody plumage. And yet, it gets funnier once you break down the special effects scene-by-scene and learn how the glittery swan sausage is made. Ahead, learn the mechanics behind Darren Aranofksy’s cygnus opus, including the Muppet Workshop antics that helped illustrate Natalie Portman’s more grotesque moments. Just like Tchaikovsky wanted.

Black Swan’s Special Effects Revealed to be Often Hilarious

The Devil’s Double: The Outrageous, Over the Top Iraqi Scarface You’ve Been Waiting For

Tired of those run-of-the-mill biopics and staid Iraq war dramas that avoid sensationalism out of respect for their subjects? Want a peek into the orgiastic, debauched, ultra-violent underbelly of Saddam Hussein’s Iraq? Director Lee Tamahori brought all that and more to an unsuspecting audience — and conjured his own comparisons to David Fincher’s The Social Network , naturally — with The Devil’s Double , the guiltiest thrill of Sundance 2011.

Originally posted here:
The Devil’s Double: The Outrageous, Over the Top Iraqi Scarface You’ve Been Waiting For

The 9 Batsh*t-Craziest Lines Heard at the Hobo with a Shotgun Premiere

“Let’s tear this place apart!” So instructed director Jason Eisener before Friday’s midnight premiere of Hobo with a Shotgun , the unabashedly campy Canadian-American grindhouse flick about a homeless drifter who cleans up the streets of a depraved urban metropolis with only a pawn shop shotgun and plenty of gloriously insane death-dealing catchphrases in his arsenal. And while it may have disappointed Eisener and Co. that an actual riot didn’t erupt before or after their film, they must have been pleased that Hobo played exactly right to just the genre-loving crowd it was made for.

Read the original here:
The 9 Batsh*t-Craziest Lines Heard at the Hobo with a Shotgun Premiere