Tag Archives: midnight-movie

Top 10 Midnight Movie Babes

August 14, 1975 was a day that changed movies forever. The ultimate cult classic midnight movie, The Rocky Horror Picture Show , was released on this day 39 years ago. While it does have its share of skin, it’s certainly not the most flesh filled film in a genre packed with them! This is by no means a comprehensive list, but everyone from Mink Stole and Linnea Quigley to Mary Woronov is on the list, so check and see if your favorites made the cut!

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Top 10 Midnight Movie Babes

VIDEO: Roger Corman Watches Bikini-Clad Beauty Get Eaten in Sharktopus Cameo

There was a time when it was thought that Roger Corman would actually direct Sharktopus , the SyFy channel shlocktastic midnight movie about a government engineered shark/octopus hybrid that debuted last fall. He didn’t, of course — but that doesn’t mean the indie pioneer wasn’t allowed to join in the fun. Corman appeared in the film as a “beach bum” who witnesses the terrifying(ly poor special effects of) sharktopus, and ahead you can watch him discuss how the amusing cameo came into being.

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VIDEO: Roger Corman Watches Bikini-Clad Beauty Get Eaten in Sharktopus Cameo

Friday Box Office: No Strings Attached Sleeps Its Way To The Top

Startin’ here, startin’ now, honey everything’s coming up Portman! While her terrifyingly bi-curious ballerina is still raking in the dough (and the awards), Natalie Portman enjoyed a number one opening, as No Strings Attached came out on top this Friday, bumping down the boys club of The Green Hornet and The Dilemma to numbers two and three, respectively. Your Friday box office is here.

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Friday Box Office: No Strings Attached Sleeps Its Way To The Top

The 9 Batsh*t-Craziest Lines Heard at the Hobo with a Shotgun Premiere

“Let’s tear this place apart!” So instructed director Jason Eisener before Friday’s midnight premiere of Hobo with a Shotgun , the unabashedly campy Canadian-American grindhouse flick about a homeless drifter who cleans up the streets of a depraved urban metropolis with only a pawn shop shotgun and plenty of gloriously insane death-dealing catchphrases in his arsenal. And while it may have disappointed Eisener and Co. that an actual riot didn’t erupt before or after their film, they must have been pleased that Hobo played exactly right to just the genre-loving crowd it was made for.

The 9 Batsh*t-Craziest Lines Heard at the Hobo with a Shotgun Premiere

On DVD: Standing Ovation is the Movie You Wanted Burlesque To Be

Under the radar of most people — not including New Beverly Cinema programmer Phil Blankenship, who brought this film to my attention when he booked it as a midnight movie a few months ago — Standing Ovation (now available at Amazon.com) snuck in and out of theaters this summer. But this shrieky kids’ musical isn’t merely a would-be High School Musical ; it’s the kind of delicious disaster you were hoping Burlesque was going to be.

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On DVD: Standing Ovation is the Movie You Wanted Burlesque To Be