The Absolute Funniest Vines Of The Week Back again with more hilarious Vines for your weekend funny. Hit the flip for the funniest Vines of the week . Continue reading →
Really??? Our Presidential Candidates Beef Over Twitter Apparently Republican Presidential candidates Jeb Bush and Donald Trump think Twitter is the place to handle conflict. In a recent interview with Daily Mail , Donald made some side-eye worthy comments about 9/11 and pretty much blamed George Bush for letting the tragedy happen at all. Here’s a snippet of his statement: “When you talk about George Bush – I mean, say what you want, the World Trade Center came down during his time.” He added, “He was president, okay?” “Blame him or don’t blame him, but he was president. The World Trade Center came down during his reign.” Jeb didn’t take too kindly to the comments made about his big brother. He headed straight to twitter and called Trump “pathetic” and that was all she wrote. Peep the pics below: Since when did it become okay for politicians to argue over twitter?? Sound off in the comments Continue reading →
Really??? Our Presidential Candidates Beef Over Twitter Apparently Republican Presidential candidates Jeb Bush and Donald Trump think Twitter is the place to handle conflict. In a recent interview with Daily Mail , Donald made some side-eye worthy comments about 9/11 and pretty much blamed George Bush for letting the tragedy happen at all. Here’s a snippet of his statement: “When you talk about George Bush – I mean, say what you want, the World Trade Center came down during his time.” He added, “He was president, okay?” “Blame him or don’t blame him, but he was president. The World Trade Center came down during his reign.” Jeb didn’t take too kindly to the comments made about his big brother. He headed straight to twitter and called Trump “pathetic” and that was all she wrote. Peep the pics below: Since when did it become okay for politicians to argue over twitter?? Sound off in the comments Continue reading →
During the second GOP presidential debate last month, Jeb Bush admitted to smoking pot. It wasn't really a big deal, as his brother could've single-handedly kept Pablo Escobar in business (We're hoping for a Dubya cameo in season 2 of Narcos.), and that didn't stop him from getting into the White House. In fact, the only results of Jeb's admission have been a hilarious nickname (“Jeb Kush”) and an interesting question from Fox Sports' Clay Travis. It seems Bush attended high school with New England Patriots head coach and noted short-sleeved hoodie enthusiast, Bill Belichick. Awesomely, Travis decided to ask Bush if he and Belichick ever burned one down together. Sadly, the former Florida governor says he never celebrated 4:20 with the brain behind Brady. C'mon, Jeb! If you wanna take the spotlight away from Trump, you have to lie and say you did smoke with Belichick! Then you have to follow it up with a joke about how the man cleared a bong like he was sucking the air out of a game ball. That's how you get elected president. Look it up.
The Side Eye: Presidential Candidate Jeb Bush on Gun Violence “Stuff Happens” You’d think a presidential candidate would be a little more careful with his words, but not Republican candidate Jeb Bush. As he spoke on the deadly shooting in Oregon that killed 9 people and wounding 7 others, he described the tragic incident as “heartbreaking”. Just there after though, he made a jaw dropping comment, minimizing gun violence to “stuff happens…” He adds, “theres always a crisis and the impulse is always to do something and it’s not always the right thing to do” — in regards resorting to more strict gun laws. Considering gun violence is a common occurrence you’d think he’d find it a topic of importance but apparently not. Will you be voting for Mr. Bush?? Watch the clip from CNN and decide for yourself.
Thursday evening’s GOP Debate devoted less than a minute to police brutality and the “Black Lives Matter” movement. According to the International Business Times, Wisconsin Gov. Scott…
Jeb Bush will run for U.S. President in 2016 … according to former George W. Bush communications director turned The View co-host Nicolle Wallace! Nicolle Wallace: Jeb Bush 2016! “I’m so excited that Jeb Bush is running,” Wallace said of the 2016 election in an interview with The Insider ’s Debbie Matenopoulos on Thursday. “He really sort of shaped my views of what a conservative can be and is, and the problems they can solve and how they can solve them differently.” “I hope he’s successful. I hope he wins the nomination. I hope he wins the White House. But I’m going to be cheering for him from here,” she added. By that, Wallace meant that while she “would do anything” for the Bush family, she has no intention of leaving her post to work in the White House. Jeb Bush 2016 talk has been constant since … well, the 2012 election results were announced, and he is among the frontrunners in many polls. But the Republican ex-Governor of Florida and brother of George W. Bush has not officially announced his candidacy yet. So … thank you Nicolle? If this was his de facto entry into the race, he probably imagined it happening in a slightly different way. But hey, you gotta start somewhere right? Assuming he really is planning a bid to become the third Bush president in the last five, Jeb faces some stiff opposition within the GOP. Popular U.S. Sens. Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio have all announced their candidacies to succeed Barack Obama this spring. Many other big names are mulling candidacies for the Republicans as well, ensuring a crowded, hard-fought campaign this year and next. For the Democrats, Hillary Clinton is the heavy favorite, but got her first challenger yesterday when U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders announced he will run. View Slideshow: 2016 Presidential Election: The (Possible) Contenders