Tag Archives: jesus-appears

Jinger Duggar Rocks Short Sleeves; Fans Go Wild

When you consider all the drama that’s surrounded the Duggar family in recent years, it’s more than a little surprising that something as seemingly prosaic as Jinger Duggar’s wardrobe would be favorite topic of discussion for so many fans. But for many who have watched her grow from a young tomboy to a happily married woman, Jinger’s clothing conveys so much more than simply her taste in fashion. Many were surprised when a photo of Jinger wearing pants surfaced on social media, as like her sisters, Jinger was forced to abide by a strict dress code while she was living under her parents’ roof. In the Duggar household, women are forbidden to wear pants, and instead must sport floor-length skirts at all times, even when engaged in sports or other physical activities. “We do not dress modestly because we are ashamed of the body God has given us; quite the contrary,” the Duggar girls wrote in their 2014 memoir, Growing Up Duggar . “We realize that our body is a special gift from God and that He intends for it to be shared only with our future husband… We avoid low-cut, cleavage-showing, gaping, or bare-shouldered tops; and when needed, we wear an undershirt.” They added: “We try to make it a habit to always cover the top of our shirt with our hand when we bend over. We don’t want to play the peekaboo game with our neckline.”  When pressed on the matter, the family would always explain that the girls consented to the dress code, having adopted their parents’ views on the importance of modest attire. Despite that explanation, Jinger defiantly bucked that trend when she married Jeremy Vuolo . Once Duggar women are married, it’s their husbands, not their fathers who make most of the decisions about their lifestyle. (Yes, people still live this way in 2017.) Jeremy doesn’t share Jim Bob’s conservative views on women’s fashion, and as a result, Jinger can wear pretty much whatever she wants. We’ve already seen Jinger wear shorts , heels, tight pants … and now, she’s moving on to exposed arms. Yes, she might be conservatively dressed by most people’s standards, but for a Duggar, this look is downright risque. For the most part, fans have been supportive of Jinger’s bold decision to wear a freakin’ t-shirt, but there are those who find the situation to ridiculous to applaud. “Now she started to wear pants and dresses that leave arms uncovered,” one follower wrote on Instagram. “At 23 years old. Because her husband’s told her she can do it. In 2017. Ok.” We share the sentiment, but it’s important to remember that Jinger didn’t create her family’s bizarre code of conduct–and tossing it aside constitutes a laudable act of bravery. Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family. View Slideshow: Jinger Duggar-Jeremy Vuolo Engagement Photos!

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Jinger Duggar Rocks Short Sleeves; Fans Go Wild

Face of Jesus Appears in Sonogram, Couple Claims

Okay, bear with us please, because this is more than a little weird. Just about every modern pregnancies comes with at least one sonogram, an image of a fetus in development that doctors use to monitor health and development. Parents use it to share their excitement. But one couple spotted something a little odd on their sonogram. And it looked, to them, like Jesus. You see it, right? Right there on the left. You see what looks like a long-haired guy with a beard. Culturally, we’re taught to recognize that, not as Poseidon or basically any dude from the 1970s, but as Jesus. This sonogram was taken shortly before Briella was born. Briella’s parents, Alicia Zeek and Zac Smith, were struck immediately by the distinctive image in their sonogram. Alicia and Zac, of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, spoke about the phenomenon. “When they gave it to us… Umm, to me, it’s Jesus,” Alicia says. “And it looks like Jesus.” At first, she couldn’t believe her eyes. “I blinked a lot, to kinda make sure I was really seeing it…” Zac also spoke about it. “This is distinct — I mean, there’s another face looking at my daughter!” The couple say that they’re not particularly religious, but Zac describes a very emotional response to the image. “When I seen it, it almost brought tears to my eyes… I was speechless, I just couldn’t believe it, I really didn’t believe what I was seeing.” This from a couple who describe themselves as not being particularly religious. From people reporting that they’ve seen Jesus’ image appear “miraculously” on toast to pointing out that they see  Jesus take shape around their dog’s butthole  … (Yes, really) … it’s very common for people to spot what they’ll describe as an image of Jesus’ face on everyday items. We’ll get into the psychology behind that in a moment, but we should acknowledge that it’s fairly widespread. But many regard such appearances as novelty items. (Though often devout Christians are irritated by what they see as frivolous claims of “miracles” that they feel embarrass their religious community) For Alicia and Zac, however, this was a positive omen. Zac describes his interpretation: “The angel or God or Jesus, however you want to propose it, I look at it as my blessing.” Alicia and Zac had two very difficult pregnancies, with their first child being born with a series of complications and their second chidlbirth nearly claiming Alicia’s life. Briella, who was born healthy, is their third child. We’re not going to tell anyone what to believe, of course. The thing is that human beings are psychologically wired to pick out hidden faces. This makes a lot of sense for the survival of our species — to recognize each other, but also to spot ambushes or other threats. The same thing applies to recognizing familiar iconography. Some images are so omnipresent in our culture that, regardless of someone’s beliefs,  You can grow up non-religious in a non-religious household and still have angels and Jesus and everything firmly embedded in your psyche, because Christianity has dominated Western culture for a full millennium. But Christians who believe that these apparitions — even the seemingly irreverent ones — are genuine omens would point out that just because the human mind constantly searches for “faces” doesn’t mean that a genuine face couldn’t show up. That’s fair. As for Alicia and Zac, we’re just glad that they found it comforting at the end of a very tense pregnancy.

Face of Jesus Appears in Sonogram, Couple Claims

Jesus Appears in Portuguese Playboy [Nsfw]

On his way to an appearance on a grilled cheese sandwich, Jesus took a wrong turn and found himself in a Portuguese brothel. What would Jesus do? Here’s Portuguese Playboy to answer this urgent question with NSFW photos. More