“Jingle Butts” Viral Video Sparks Controversy Around Objectifying Women Via NYDailyNews A spanking new YouTube take on “Jingle Bells” by a Canadian ad agency is being accused of being naughty, not nice — and “sexist pigs.” In “Jingle Butts,” a two-and-a-half-minute video by the envelope-pushing creative company Zulu Alpha Kilo, Spanish percussionist Jorge Perez of the jazz-fusion band PATAX gives new meaning to hitting the skins. Dressed in holiday green and a knit cap and flanked by two human cymbal stands, Perez uses four taut tushes as bongos to turn the beat around. The booty-licious drum sets, each in tiny red thongs, are not dressed for winter. Two of the butts presumably belong to men, as a coda suggests. No matter, the cheeky campaign has drawn ire about being sexist. “I really don’t understand this video at all. It’s 2015, almost 2016 and this is like a step back in time. Haven’t we come further than this? When are we going to stop objectifying women to this degree? And for a Christmas ad? Smh?” posted Joshua Smiley on Thursday. Are you disturbed by this video? As a woman, do you feel demeaned by such imagery? Image via YouTube
Jay Tyrer – Mistletoe uploaded again as it didnt work last time http://www.youtube.com/v/dCACEUU1DWI?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Original post: Mistletoe – Justin Bieber (Jay Tyrer Cover)
Watch Justin Bieber “Jingle Bells” Video bit.ly Facebook.com – Become a Fan! Twitter.com – Follow Us! ClevverTV has the latest info out about Justin Bieber’s Christmas album. Hey guys, I’m Joslyn Davis with your look at the cover art for J’s upcoming holiday release “Under the Mistletoe.” In the photo art, we see a close-up shot of the singer looking into the camera with a sweet look on his face, and snow falls all around him. The image definitely has fans in the holiday spirit, and this is just intensifying the anticipation for the album which drops on November 1st. Justin and his crew were just spotted taking over the streets of Franklin, Tennessee, where he was shooting a music video for the holiday album. A ton of Beliebers showed up to show their support, and as a show of thanks, Justin lead the group in an impromptu Christmas Caroling session — you’ve got to check it out — we’ll have the link in the info section below. Let us know what you’re most excited about when it comes to “Under the Mistletoe” — are you looking forward to hearing some great new Christmas songs or are you just stoked to get more Justin Bieber. Let us know by hitting the comments section and don’t forget to head over to facebook.com/clevverTV for updates and exclusives you’ll only find on ClevverTV. I’m Joslyn Davis, thanks for watching! http://www.youtube.com/v/ANJnWzS2ebg?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata See the article here: Justin Bieber ‘Under the Mistletoe’ Cover Art Revealed
Video link:online-video-buzz.info to watch full video Justin Bieber’s Christmas Album Cover For FREE!! http://www.youtube.com/v/5JFxCCiVqME?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Follow this link: Justin Bieber’s Christmas Album Cover
As you know, Justin shot his music video for Mistletoe in Franklin, TN, which is about an hour away from where I live. At first, my mom had told me that I wasn’t allowed to go, but she ended up giving in that night and said we could go for a couple of hours. (Even though in the end, we stayed til 5 a.m. haha!) We got there around 10pm and were so shocked at how close we were to him! After he shot every few scenes, he would scream at us and ask how we liked each one. Then he came RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME, like no joke, RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME, and sang Jingle Bells to us through the police car’s speaker. It was CRAZY! Here is the video! After a few hours, it started pouring down raining and a lot of people left. Even though it was rainy and Justin was filming an inside scene for about 2 hours, about 30 dedicated beliebers stayed on my side of the street to wait. During that time, Justin’s crew came out and talked to us. Kenny TOOK MY PHONE to get my personal Twitter name to follow me! Alfredo and Ryan also came and talked for a while! Around 3 a.m., Justin came out and shot the last scene where he was singing to Mistletoe in front of a car. I swear, he had to redo that scene at least 500 times! By the time he was done, I could probably repeat every single line of the song. When he finished around 4:45 am, we all celebrated. He came over to sign autographs and talk real quick, but couldn’t take any pictures because we all had to clear the streets by 5am! When he reached me, all I could say was, “I love you so much!!” I was in soo much shock! After he signed my phone case, he reached out to shake my hand and said, “I love you, too. Thank you so much for everything and your support!” I just wanted to break down crying at that moment. It’s honestly the best feeling in the world to finally meet someone that has impacted my life so much and been such an inspiration to me. I have been supporting him since before ‘One Time’ was ever out, and remember watching him on YouTube back in 2008. I just couldn’t believe it was all happening so fast. September 28 & 29, 2011 were definately the BEST two days of my life. But to be real.. standing there for 7 hours in pouring rain, running around like crazy, and going to school the next day with absolutely no sleep was SO worth it! Justin, if you ever read this, thank you so much. I love you, please come back soon. -@BieberTN More here: As you know, Justin shot his music video for Mistletoe in…