Tag Archives: joyce-kaufman

Oops! ‘Rightwing’ Terror Suspect Turns Out to Be a…Leftwinger

It seems that whenever you hear about a “rightwing” hate crime nowadays, it turns out the the perpetrator turns out to be a leftwinger…much to the disappointment of liberals who continue to maintain the fiction about a violent Tea Party movement. And the latest case of a violent “rightwinger” who turns out to really be a leftwinger comes from my own county of Broward here in South Florida. With my condolences to the left who have been “robbed” of yet another example of supposed Tea Party “hate crime,” here is a report on the arrest of the suspect by Bob Norman of the Broward Palm Beach New Times: The woman charged by the FBI with making a threat that led to the lockdown of more than 300 Broward County schools after hearing