At one point in time, not that long ago, Xenia Deli was the model who’s deli meat I wanted to eat….you know squeeze that shit between my fingers and make it look like a fucking sandwich…. I was one of her biggest advocates, I campaigned for her, I went to bat for her, I celebrated her and I would say “WHY INTERNET WHY DOES NO ONE CARE ABOUT XENIA DELI”….you see because she was so hot, yet unable to secure some mainstream success…but like the Moldavian she is, she turned to sex work, fell in love with a billionaire as these things happen, and now does shoots to seem like she’s not a mooch, despite being a mooch, as she knows sex workers must maintain… Apparently she’s only 26, I mean that looks like some kind of lie on her papers when she escaped communism…her ass is sagging, her discipline isn’t there, because you give a bitch that billionaire life..and they start slacking… Here she in on the beach regardless…and she’s not dead yet, in fact she’s way more expensive now…luxurious and exclusive… Here she is with another hooker named Sandra Kubica…. Here is a video of her looking good in the ocean…. Here she is with her Sugar Daddy / Billionaire Husband….who clearly doesn’t fuck around. Here she is with a homeless guy, keeping it real, in what I consider a great pic… That’s been enough Xenia Deli…..for the day. The post Sugar Baby Xenia Deli on the Beach of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Sugar Baby Xenia Deli on the Beach of the Day