Rihanna is the kind of narcissist and ego who brings a photographer to Barbados – where she is from and where I guess she lives for tax purposes – but is also a beautiful yet slow paced place where they isn’t much going on – even when things are going on – so to keep herself busy and I guess feeling relevant her and her team stage instagram style shoots of her whoring out in a bikini – like an instagram model – because I guess she likes being in front of the camera – it ties into her need to be in front of the camera, the only place she feels at home – even when at home – where her peers all look at her like a zoo animal…not because of her resemblance to Harambre – but because she’s rich as fuck – and a cunt – who mistreats them… Fascinating…but only because she’s hot, she’s great, she’s magic… The post Rihanna is Killin’ It at her Self Produced Shoot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Pixie Lott is a sexy blonde British industry that has done well over the years to keep herself relevant and here she is showing off her stripy panties to the paparazzi in this upskirt action Continue reading →
The mess is hitting the fan in Chicago. Lupe Fiasco also responded to Chief’s diss back: @OsoArrogantJoJo WAS BEEFIN WITH LIL REESE N CHIEF KEEF (GBE) THATS IN THE CAR YELLING AT REESE.. JOJO DIED AFTER THIS HAPPENED.. Cashout (Jojo’s brother) was the one who dissed Chief Keef’s mother on the phone in the previous video we posted” – Goon212 “Chicago police are investigating possible connections between the Tuesday slaying of a teen rapper, a raging Englewood gang conflict and a mocking Tweet on the account of the victim’s rap rival — rising South Side star Chief Keef, sources told the Chicago Sun-Times. Hours after the murder, on Chief Keef’s Twitter account, a message was posted saying, “Its Sad Cuz Dat N—- Jojo Wanted To Be Jus Like Us #LMAO.” LMAO is slang for “laughing my ass off.” That Tweet drew angry responses among Chief Keef’s 224,000 Twitter followers. His account later carried Tweets claiming it had been hacked and saying, “If u dnt talk 2 me or dro my manager … it’s not real.” Chicago police officers were on the street Wednesday night looking for Coleman’s killer. Police are looking to see if his murder is connected to an ongoing conflict in Englewood between the Gangster Disciples and Black Disciples street gangs that has been playing out in a series of threats on social media sites. In Keef’s responses on his account, Chicago-born rap star Lupe Fiasco was called out, with the Keef account posting: “wen I see him I’ma smack him like da lil b—- he is #300.” On his account, Fiasco, who recently told a radio station he was scared of the violence Chief Keef represents, replied “I cant go 4 that @ChiefKeef & i cant let the people i love, including you my n—-, go 4 that either. We kings not f—— savages and goons” Later, Fiasco sounded despondent — and done with rap, Tweeting: “but my heart is broken and i see no comfort further along this path only more pain. I cannot participate any longer in this… My first true love was literature so i will return to that…lupe fiasco ends here…” JoJo was Cashout’s brother and in Bricksquad… expect more violence. R.I.P: Reason JoJo Got Murdered (Chief Keef Mother’s Diss) And Cell Phone Footage Of JoJo Confronting GBE Member youtube Suntimes
Pictures Of Kim Kardashian Without Makeup Earlier we showed you that Kim Kardashian likes to cakes on the makeup to keep herself cute. But does she really need the makeup? What if she didn’t wear any? Would she still be so desired? Well we have a gallery of pics showing Kim and her non-makeup face. Wow, no wonder she cakes it on.
“I’m able to fret about other things outside of what I’m going to wear, and how I’m going to look,” the actress Sara Rue told us. “I can worry, instead, about whether or not we’re going to be there on time, or what time I have to be up tomorrow morning,” explained Rue, who declared her current weight as a healthy one. And to keep herself in that healthy range, Rue said she is still watching the calories and sticking to Jenny Craig’s maintenance plan. What better place to flaunt your spanking n
I am into jumpsuits. I don’t think it’s cuz I have some kind of paratropper fetish, but more that I like how one piece of clothing can touch all the good parts, and when shit’s an inch too short, it jacks up the ass like some kind of hammock I want to take a nap in or harness specifically dedicated to giving the bitch booty…. Now I don’t give a fuck about Jessica Biel, her strength, her fake relationship with Justin Timberlake so people think he’s straight, or her fashion sense, career choices or pretty much anything about her….but I dick this outfit and how it’s holdin’ her ass up like something Kim Kardashian invented in her whore workshop to keep herself relevant…cuz everyone knows if you strap shit up proper, it looks proper… Pics via Bauer
Reggie Bush is a busy man. The running back is often studying game tapes and practicing with the New Orleans Saints, as they aim to remain undefeated and win the Super Bowl. Fortunately, when her man is away, Kim Kardashian has found ways to keep herself busy with activities typically reserved for Reggie