Tag Archives: killer-still

Knifed Up Or Nah? Kimmy Cakes Denies Having Nose Job, Credits “Contouring” For Smaller Look

Kim Kardashian Denies Having A Nose Job In ‘Wonderland’ Magazine Cover Story Pinocchio Kim Kardashian is on the cover of the Autumn issue of Wonderland Magazine and the accompanying interview includes quotes from the reality star swearing she never had rhinoplasty : “People think I’ve had my nose done. I haven’t,’ she claims in the interview. She does admit to looking different though: “It does look smaller. Maybe it’s the contour I use.” And despite the contour, Kim claims she loves her nose for making her look “ethnic”. “I used to hate this bump on my nose,” she said in the interview. “Hated it. Now I love that it makes me look more ethnic.” Are you buying what she’s selling? Kim also talks about how Kanye had difficulty adjusting to being with her at first. She describes how when she was pregnant with daughter North in 2013 he was making his ‘Yeezus’ album: “He had this aggression. You can hear it. He wasn’t used to this life with me,” she explained. “He was super famous before, but the paparazzi life is a different world.” We definitely heard the aggression… For more photos from Kim’s Wonderland issue, keep flipping! Instagram/WENN

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Knifed Up Or Nah? Kimmy Cakes Denies Having Nose Job, Credits “Contouring” For Smaller Look

WTF: Mall Shooter Leaves Five Dead In Washington Mall

Mall Shooting Leaves Five Dead; Killer Still At Large A mall shooting in at Cascade Mall located an hour north of Seattle, Washington ended with five fatalities. A gunman entered the Macy’s located in the mall and opened fire, killing four women and one man. Sgt. Mark Francis, a spokesman for the Washington State Patrol, said the man escaped on Interstate 5, which is a highway near the mall. At this time, there is no known motive but there’s an investigation into a possible connection into the shooter and his targets. Armando Patino was working at the nearby T-mobile store when the shots went off. via CNN “Out of nowhere I just hear somebody yell and then after that, I turn around and just look at the Macy’s and I just hear shots,” Patino told CNN affiliate KOMO-TV in Seattle. “I hear one shot and then stand kinda still and like two three other people start running out saying, ‘gun.’ “ Some people dashed out of Macy’s, unsure of where to go. “I just moved them into the (T-Mobile) store,” Patino said. “We went in the back where we have a door … and we just stayed there until they told us to evacuate.  The FBI will be assisting with the investigation. As of now, authorities believe there’s only one shooter

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WTF: Mall Shooter Leaves Five Dead In Washington Mall