Hope you guys enjoy this. “Be Alright” is on Justin’s new album Believe! In stores June 19th, Twitter – @thedylanholland For teen hoot information click here!!! – www.teenhoot.com http://www.youtube.com/v/RnY67usqpBU?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Read the original post: Justin Bieber – Be Alright (Dylan Holland Cover)
Justin Bieber Kissing A Monkey! My New Friend – Justin Bieber Viddy THUMBS UP IF YOU LOVE JUSTIN BIEBER!! TWITTER: twitter.com or @probiems INSTAGRAM: @th3illest or followgram.me Justin Bieber Kissing A Monkey! (Viddy)Justin Bieber Kissing A Monkey! (Viddy)Justin Bieber Kissing A Monkey! (Viddy)Justin Bieber Kissing A Monkey! (Viddy)Justin Bieber Kissing A Monkey! (Viddy)Justin Bieber Kissing A Monkey! (Viddy)Justin Bieber Kissing A Monkey! (Viddy)Justin Bieber Kissing A Monkey! (Viddy)Justin Bieber Kissing A Monkey! (Viddy)Justin Bieber Kissing A Monkey! (Viddy)Justin Bieber Kissing A Monkey! (Viddy)Justin Bieber Kissing A Monkey! (Viddy)Justin Bieber Kissing A Monkey! (Viddy) http://www.youtube.com/v/8fmINi33Qko?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Read more from the original source: Justin Bieber Kissing A Monkey! (Viddy)
Whitney Houston’s daughter, Bobbi Kristina Brown, is rumored to be in a relationship with her unofficial “adopted” brother, Nicholas Gordon. Bobbi Kristina, 19, was spotted smooching Gordon, 22 in Target near the Atlanta suburb where the two currently live in Houston’s townhouse. A source who saw them says, “Bobbi and Nick were in the music section and then all over the store. Bobbi was kissing him on the mouth and holding hands. They were laughing and smiling and seemed SO happy.” Not many people even know about Nicholas, but Houston took him in as a child and raised him as her own. He’s always been close with Bobbi Kristina (though Houston never officially adopted him), and she was reportedly aware of his relationship with her daughter, giving them her blessing to live together in her Atlanta home.
Blog about pop music, pop videos, pop stars, and pop culture from inside the MTV headquarters in Times Square. Read the original post: Star Spotting: This Photo Of Justin Bieber Kissing A 6-Year-Old Will …
These idiots tried to sue me when I posted pictures of their honeymoon, so I kinda hate them for that but unfortunately, Lara Stone, a dutch model, has some of the most amazing tits in fashion, I’ve posted them HERE and HERE so it makes it hard for me to really hate her…no to mention I don’t know her, never will know her, and couldn’t really give less of a shit about her…and if anything…it just makes me want to befriend this couple on their get the wife pregnant vacation cuz I don’t deserve such a hot pussy…hence all the kissing tour….and that’s only to stare at her tits in person…but I guess I’m better off just staring at her tits in pictures…cuz they are everywhere, it is more accessible and less wor….and it gets their lawyers so angry…when really the only thing they should be angry about is that she has no ass…
Mimi tweeted this on Friday so let’s hope Nick is getting ready to be discharged now: “Thank you everyone for all the love &concern,” Mariah Carey tweeted Friday (Jan. 6), with a photo of her kissing husband Nick Cannon in his Los Angeles hospital bed. Carey also shared good news: “Nick is in stable condition with a good prognosis, hopefully he’ll be discharged within 2 days.” She added, “As always he’s laughing and in good spirits.” Source
Avril Lavigne Wish You Were Here Music Video Official Vevo AvrilLavigneVevo “Wish You Were Here” VMA 2011 Wish You Were Here Justin Bieber Trust Issues “Justin Bieber Trust Issues” Kisses Kiss Selena Gomez Love You Like A Love Song Baby “Avril Lavigne VMA 2011″ Taylor Swift Sparks Fly Selena Gomez “Love You Like A Love Song” Who Says Kissing Kiss What The Hell Smile Black Star Video Music Awards “Selena Gomez VMA 2011″ “Selena Gomez VMAS 2011″ Justin Bieber Pre Show Demi Lovato America’s Got Talent Who Says We Own The Night Tour Kiss Dance http://www.youtube.com/v/ECgxtUVpPTE?f=videos&app=youtube_gdata More here: Avril Lavigne Wish You Were Here Music Video Official Vevo VMA Justin Bieber Trust Issues Lyrics HOT