Tag Archives: lacks-nipples

Lacey Banghard Babes In Bed for Nuts of the Day

Her name is Lacey Banghard….and whether it’s a stage name or a real name…but I’m going with stage name…but no one really knows or cares because her claim to fame, besides having a huge set of tits, was winning some 2011 Page 3 Girl Idol competition for the UK Sun for having huge fucking tits….a title not really worth issuing bios and memoirs or running interviews that have more depth than “what’s your favorite lotion to apply to your tits”…..because it’s all about her tits…she’s just a portal to get them out to us….and at 20 years old she knows her fucking calling and embraces that she was pretty much destined to be a titty model and now the UK loves her tits ..and thanks to Nuts Magazine…and their much needed improvements to men’s magazines by introducing nipples, something America mags never did….I love her tits too.

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Lacey Banghard Babes In Bed for Nuts of the Day

Amber Heard Bikini Top for Max of the Day

Amber Heard is trying to be some sex icon….when no one knew who she was she released statements to the press about her bi-sexuality and openness to love and how the source of the orgasms don’t matter…whether guy or girl…just as long as they are happening…all for attention…. Then she went all 60s glam…like she’s Marilyn Monroe or some old hollywood shit…avoiding scandal…loving the attention…and hitting red carpets with platinum hair….cuz she played the love interest in Rum Diaries….even though I was more into HER FETISH SHOOT WITH Vs. Mag ….you know cuz it’s all about me… Well now she’s in some shit called Max, she’s wearing a bra, that’s not entirely erotic enough for me since it lacks nipples…but I’m posting it anyway….

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Amber Heard Bikini Top for Max of the Day