Tag Archives: laforest-duron

SMH: Florida Rapper Livestreams Shootout With Police After Allegedly Beating His Wife [Video]

Florida Rapper Livestreams Shootout 23-year old Florida rapper Big LA was arrested on Thursday after live streaming his shootout with the police. LA, whose real name is Laforest Duron Gray Jr., reportedly had the cops called on him after he was seen dragging and beating his wife in the street of his Orange County, FL neighborhood. In the video, you can hear Gray telling his IG followers that he wants to “take one for the team” as he fired a series of shots at the police from his garage. The Sun reports: A witness was reportedly driving past when he saw Gray’s wife in distress and asked if she needed help. They claim the woman initially refused before running after them and jumping into the car asking for assistance. The witness told police Gray ran over to the car, pulled his wife out by the hair and began punching her. Cops managed to detain the rapper using a dog after he refused to be handcuffed. He’s currently being held at Orange County Jail on charges of attempted first-degree murder of a law enforcement officer with a firearm, domestic violence battery, resisting an officer with violence and a burglary of conveyance. Crazy times we’re living in folks.

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SMH: Florida Rapper Livestreams Shootout With Police After Allegedly Beating His Wife [Video]