Tag Archives: laid-somehow

In Bed Lingerie Catalog Shoot of the Day

The photographer’s name is JEFF TSE …I’ve posted some of his lingerie stuff before HERE . Cuz I’m with it… I am not sure what these shoot is for, but I do know that it involves a model in lingerie in bed, and I figure that that is all we need to know. It’s like there are staged lingerie pics of girls photoshopped to shit…to promote lingerie, then there is this where I feel like I am up in bed with her…and it is safe to say that I prefer when I feel like I am up in bed with a half naked model – it’s better than looking to my right and seeing my fat wife in leggings that aren’t leggings but rather sweatpants that fit like leggings as her gunt hangs out of the top as she chugs what must be melted ice cream in some kind of crisis because the frezer broke and she must salvage it all before it’s too late… My life is hell..

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In Bed Lingerie Catalog Shoot of the Day

Nina Agdal’s Half Court Basketball Shorts of the Day

Half court #nbd #enthusiastic ???????? A video posted by Nina Agdal (@ninaagdal) on Oct 10, 2014 at 4:25pm PDT Nina Agdal has posted this video – or at least a similar one already. I guess she’s digging into her archive of self shot nonsense to keep her social media updated – the pressures of modern fucking life…and I just want to say that I encourage this behavior from her because she’s not showing off her big, wonky waterhead – as she’s got a bit of a Downs Syndrome vibe…and she’s not really focusing on her “I’m tall as fuck that’s why I am a model, and before being a model, I was a basketball player, since any excuse to get out of communism was a good one”…but she doesn’t have to worry about that anymore, she’s got the stamp of approval that will ensure a rich husband, just not Adam Levine, who has tainted her vagina, but who went for the Victoria’s Secret model instead…I guess he knows handing out green cards to these immigrants is valuable and he’s gotta choose the best he can…who cares…apparently I do..because I just spent 1 minute of my life writing this drivel…

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Nina Agdal’s Half Court Basketball Shorts of the Day

Amanda Holden’s Ass for Twitter of the Day

I don’t know who Amanda Holden is, but apparently she tweeted a picture of her ass on set of some morning or daily or TV show and her fan base went nuts – probably because she’s got a good ass despite being 44…and maybe because people on TV don’t just tweet their asses, even when she’s being so clever with the way she shows it off by pretending this is what the camera angle from behind looks like – up on some news anchor / David Letterman not wearing pants behind his desk…kind of thing…and I guess when anyone tweets their ass, even a grandma, because her dress doesn’t fit proper – whether on TV or not…I’ll stare…because I like ass…and that’s all I have to say about that.

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Amanda Holden’s Ass for Twitter of the Day

Drunk Models for Interview of the Day

The models are: Anja Rubik, Edita Vilkeviciute, Daria Strokous, Andreea Diaconu and Lily Donaldson They are pretending to be drunk, sure fashion drunk, but drunk nonetheless for some photographer in interview magazine, and I figured this would be porn to you – since every girl you’ve ever banged has been at this level of intoxication, only she wasn’t playing it up like a half dead corpse barely capable of self lubricating, for an editorial shoot, but rather was a half dead corpse barely capable of self lubricating, because you fed her those sedatives…I mean a guy’s got get laid somehow…and it’s not really your fault if the girl you’re date raping is inebriated…even if you helped get her that way..and it’s not even date rape…if you didn’t take her on a date. Right? Either way, love this shoot..it speaks to my soul and represents every love I’ve ever known on the first night we had sex…here are the pics..

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Drunk Models for Interview of the Day