Tag Archives: latching-onto

Mila Kunis Mom Tits Do Basketball of the Day

Mila Kunis’ tits are filled with Milk….milk that Ashton Kutcher’s semen is responsible…so remember that when you think of their spawn latching onto her like some sort of parasite, because it will upset you, especially considering you’re one of those people who is misguided and believes she’s a babe, when really she’s just average at best, but I guess when you only fuck pigs, like literal pigs at the neighbors farm, it’s easy to think some girl from TV is amazing, when she’s not…but when you factor in Ashton Kutcher’s semen…I think it’s pretty easy to see her for what she is…running after his billions discreetly because she can play that she has known him since he first started… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

Mila Kunis Mom Tits Do Basketball of the Day

Cara Delevingne and Kate Hudson Thanksgiving Dance Off of the Day

A video posted by Kate Hudson (@katehudson) on Nov 11, 2014 at 11:09pm PST Cara Delevingne and Kate Hudson are friends…and they spend Thanksgiving together, maybe because Cara Delevingne is from the UK, where they don’t celebrate thanksgiving, since they don’t really remember when their people killed off all the Indians to create an independent state from the Queen..or maybe because Kate Hudson is latching onto the It Girl, in hopes of being an it girl herself, or maybe their families are friends, because Cara Delevingne is some rich socialite from the UK…who knows all kinds of people, that’s why they are here, she is here… Part 2 A video posted by Kate Hudson (@katehudson) on Nov 11, 2014 at 11:11pm PST Part 3 A video posted by Kate Hudson (@katehudson) on Nov 11, 2014 at 11:13pm PST Part 4 A video posted by Kate Hudson (@katehudson) on Nov 11, 2014 at 11:19pm PST

The rest is here:
Cara Delevingne and Kate Hudson Thanksgiving Dance Off of the Day

Hayley Duff Walking the Dog With No Bra on of the Day

Here’s another set of pictures I’m not allowed to use, but have something to say about them and that’s that Hayley Duff in no way is fucking disgusting. She’s got this horse face that no matter how big her tits are or how decent her ass looks in a pair of pajama pants can’t be ignored…and I actually have a hatred for the girl because my friend forced me to watch the worst movie in the world that she somehow managed to be the star of that I can only assume her sister pulled some strings to get her the job as latching onto her sister’s celebrity has been a constant theme in her life and her career and is probably what finances her life….but I’d still love to see her naked, but then again I want to see every girl naked….whether they are the second rate bottom feeding sister of some rich semi-retired teen starlet or not… To See The Rest of the Bitch in Her Pajama Pants Showing Off Tit…. Follow This Link

See the original post here:
Hayley Duff Walking the Dog With No Bra on of the Day

Marisa Miller’s Ass in Celebrity Flag Football Game of the Day

Celebrities or “Hardly-Celebrities” always try to get into the action. If some big event is going down, they have to do some stunt to annoy the public with, thinking that we care, when really it makes them look like they are latching onto something bigger than them, for a little attention….so obviously when the superbowl came along – they had no choice but to do a flag superbowl for the stars, and by stars I mean Olivia Munn and Marisa Miller who are hardly stars to begin with, they shoulda thrown in that guy from the viagra commercial and one of the Extras on Golden Palace to make shit really legit and all I know is that if I was playing I’d be tackling Marisa Miller too, and after the game, I’d try to make Oliva Munn choke on my cock…but that’s just cuz she’s a whore…. Olivia Munn Pics via PacificCoastNews

See the article here:
Marisa Miller’s Ass in Celebrity Flag Football Game of the Day