Tag Archives: from-the-queen

Lindsay Lohan Naked Birthday Cake of the Day

I guess this is a picture from the QUEEN OF MY LIFE’s birthday…Lindsay Lohan, the only thing that truly matters, the only thing that is really real, the only thing that I’ve ever truly loved, all the is right in the world, the center of the universe, the best love song, the best story, the best meal, the best redhead, an ICON…a goddess…everything and all… So I should post this nude looking blowing out candles on a boat similar to the one that amputated her pegging rich arab men for money finger…I guess they’ll just have to SIZE UP… BECAUSE….LOHAN IS MY SOUL and I want her to piss on my face….or something like that… The post Lindsay Lohan Naked Birthday Cake of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Lindsay Lohan Naked Birthday Cake of the Day

Cara Delevingne and Kate Hudson Thanksgiving Dance Off of the Day

A video posted by Kate Hudson (@katehudson) on Nov 11, 2014 at 11:09pm PST Cara Delevingne and Kate Hudson are friends…and they spend Thanksgiving together, maybe because Cara Delevingne is from the UK, where they don’t celebrate thanksgiving, since they don’t really remember when their people killed off all the Indians to create an independent state from the Queen..or maybe because Kate Hudson is latching onto the It Girl, in hopes of being an it girl herself, or maybe their families are friends, because Cara Delevingne is some rich socialite from the UK…who knows all kinds of people, that’s why they are here, she is here… Part 2 A video posted by Kate Hudson (@katehudson) on Nov 11, 2014 at 11:11pm PST Part 3 A video posted by Kate Hudson (@katehudson) on Nov 11, 2014 at 11:13pm PST Part 4 A video posted by Kate Hudson (@katehudson) on Nov 11, 2014 at 11:19pm PST

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Cara Delevingne and Kate Hudson Thanksgiving Dance Off of the Day

Banned Words List 2012: Spoiler Alert!!

Spoiler alert: This article contains some words and phrases that some people want to ban from the English language. Spoiler alert: Spoiler alert is among them. The List of Words to be Banished from the Queen’s English for Misuse, Overuse and General Uselessness was compiled by Michigan’s Lake Superior State University. The 38th annual list is currently trending. Ironically, “trending” is also on the list. Spoiler alert trumps all, though. The seemingly thoughtful way to warn readers or viewers about tv spoilers and more has become played out to the max. Lake Superior’s study says the term is now “used as an obnoxious way to show one has trivial information and is about to use it, no matter what.” Another nominee for the banned words list in 2012 is “ fiscal cliff ,” because of its overuse by media outlets when describing looming tax hikes and budget cuts. “You can’t turn on the news without hearing this,” the study reported of the cliff. “We’re equally worried about the River of Debt and Mountain of Despair.” Other terms coming in for a literary lashing in the last 12 months are “bucket list,” “superfood,” “guru,” “job creators,” “double down” and “ YOLO ” … sorry Drake.

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Banned Words List 2012: Spoiler Alert!!

Some Stan Appreciation: Bey Bey Sings Praises Of Swagged Out Snuggie Fan’s Recreation Of ‘Countdown’ Video [See Video Inside!]

Beyonce Praises Comedic Fan Video A Beyonce fan who recently re-created the colorful, pregnant belly-bearing video for her hit single “Countdown” got a surprise from the megastar when she posted his homemade video on her website along with the caption “BRILLIANT. I THINK HE DID THIS VIDEO BETTER THAN I DID LOVE B When Ton Do-Nguyen uploaded his shot-for-shot recreation of Beyoncé’s “Countdown” video to the Web, he didn’t expect it to be seen by anyone other than his friends and family. But with more than 500,000 views on YouTube and the stamp of approval from the Queen B herself, the junior class president from Pennsylvania has quickly learned the power of the Internet. “I’m going on her website, and I just start screaming,” Ton said about reading a post in which Beyoncé praises his “Snuggie Version,” calling it “brilliant.” “That was literally the best moment of my life — hands down,” the 16-year-old told MTV News. “I was scared she would get mad. … When she posted it on her wall and everything, it was so positive.” Source Check out the hilariously accurate video below.

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Some Stan Appreciation: Bey Bey Sings Praises Of Swagged Out Snuggie Fan’s Recreation Of ‘Countdown’ Video [See Video Inside!]

Damn it, Christina Hendricks [PIC]

If you needed a reason to be jealous of Christina Hendricks ‘ husband, this is it. The unbelievably buxom Mad Men star is the cover girl for an upcoming issue of Black Book magazine, and although she’s never gotten nude on screen, in the accompanying interview she reveals that behind closed doors, she’s practically Swedish: “I’m a very comfortable naked person. Not in front of other people, but at home and in front of my husband, I feel good not wearing clothes .” Excuse us while we go work on our Geoffrey Arend voodoo dolls. See more from the queen of va-va-voom, Christina Hendricks , right here at MrSkin.com!

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Damn it, Christina Hendricks [PIC]