Trump Inauguration Singer Criticizes Presidential Policy It’s all fun and games and “He won…just get over it,” until Trump’s policies hit folks in a spot that’s personally uncomfortable for them. Jackie Evancho, the 16-year-old singer and only performer Trump could book to sing the national anthem just before Trump was sworn in has changed her tune just a month after Trump took office. She’s now criticizing the Cheeto in Chief over his just-announced plan to repeal Barack Obama’s progressive legislation on public school bathrooms for transgender students. Jackie has a transgender sister named Juliet. As it stands under Obama’s policy, students are permitted to use whatever bathroom matches their current gender identity . Trump’s plan may push school administrators to disclose the trans-status of students who prefer to keep such matters private while in class in order to stipulate which restrooms they may and may not enter. But honestly…what did she think he thought about trans folks? Did she really believe this issue was one he was interested in for transpeople’s benefit? Either way, this one’s young, so maybe she learned a valuable lesson about blindly supporting whatever leader is plopped in your face. Splash/GETTY
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Donald Trump Inauguration Singer Speaks Out Against The Commander In Cheeto’s Policies