The current Twitter trend ” RIP Eddie Murphy ” has gripped the unwashed microblogging masses with equal parts earnest apoplexy (“Idiots on twitter, why would anyone want to trend something like that”) and predictable cheap-shottery (“Hey Eddie: ‘RIP Eddie Murphy’ is God trying to tell you something about your career.”) — not that unlike the last time Murphy “died” on Twitter . The most we can take away from this experience? People are very eager to paint Twitter itself — what with its frequent death hoaxes and other misinformation — as the worst mass killer since… well, you name it: WTF Is RIP Eddie Murphy Trending,He didnt pass away, twitter is killing people more than Jason Voorhees — It’s Shadoe Bitch (@MeganFoxFanNYC) February 3, 2012 RIP Eddie Murphy, god twitter kills more people than Rebecca Black’s Friday! #JustSayin — Michael Booth (@M__Booth) February 3, 2012 RIP Eddie Murphy? WTF, Twitter killed more people than Hitler. — GrandadjFreeman (@GrandadJFreeman) February 3, 2012 RIP Eddie Murphy. He’s not even dead? Twitter kills more people than Bin Laden. — r.e.b.e.c.c.a. (@TW_Fever) February 3, 2012 RIP Eddie Murphy? God, Twitter kills more people than Voldemort — Dumble-fucking-dory(@Evil_Dumbledore) February 3, 2012 RIP Eddie Murphy? Is it me or do more people die on Twitter than Texas’ Death Row? — American Humor (@AmericanHumor) February 3, 2012 RIP Eddie Murphy? Twitter kills more people than fried chicken. — gurdeep singh virdi (@gurdeepsv) February 3, 2012 RIP Eddie Murphy? Man, Twitter kills more people each year than cars, airplanes and trucks combined! — Anonymous (@YourAnonNews) February 3, 2012 RIP Eddie Murphy twitter kills more people than midsummer murders — Courtney Carey(@NathanSykesXOXO) February 3, 2012 RIP Eddie Murphy twitter kills more people than Detroit city! — father of all stee (@JOYRDTONE) February 3, 2012 RIP Eddie Murphy is trending… Twitter has killed more people than the Titanic disaster. #smh — Dan Cooper (@mrmadchef) February 3, 2012 “RIP Eddie Murphy” – This is not true. Ignore it. Twitter kills more people than ______ (insert evil well known killer here) — Laurice Fattal (@LauriceF) February 3, 2012 Er, I have nothing. Go for it. Long live Eddie Murphy. Follow S.T. VanAirsdale on Twitter . Follow Movieline on Twitter .
See more here:
Very Much Alive Eddie Murphy Dies on Twitter (Again)