Tag Archives: least-attempt

Brandy Will Not Be Participating In The #SoGoneChallenge Anytime Soon

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The rivalry between Brandy and Monica may be real.

Brandy Will Not Be Participating In The #SoGoneChallenge Anytime Soon

Mariah Carey Serenades Martin Lawrence In The Most Awkward Way

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There’s no man Mariah Carey can’t serenade, or at least attempt to serenade, during a concert.

Mariah Carey Serenades Martin Lawrence In The Most Awkward Way

Ashley Tisdale Pictures…. That’s Pretty Much It

Honestly, who really gives a crap about Ashley Tisdale ? I must be the only one. Here she is out the other day spending a little of the money she made doing….. I don’t know how she made her money, but she’s out spending it so who cares. Anyhow, she’s in a skirt and sweater combination looking a little less mousy than she normally does. I’ve got nothing. Just watch the video of her in a bikini. Enjoy.

Jennifer Hudson Drops Some Cleavage

Now that Jennifer Hudson has lost all that fat chick weight eating nothing but mail-order food, delicious, she’s decided that it might be a good idea to at least attempt to drop some cleavage. Here she is at some party in her mustard colored dress showing off what her momma gave her. Or at least half of what her momma gave her, the other half is in some sort of Weight Watchers laboratory somewhere. Still works.

Jennifer Hudson Drops Some Cleavage

Now that Jennifer Hudson has lost all that fat chick weight eating nothing but mail-order food, delicious, she’s decided that it might be a good idea to at least attempt to drop some cleavage. Here she is at some party in her mustard colored dress showing off what her momma gave her. Or at least half of what her momma gave her, the other half is in some sort of Weight Watchers laboratory somewhere. Still works.