I don’t want to give you or your virinity a heart attack, but here are some pictures of busty Liz Hurley on set in a tight enough dress to stare at, shooting Wonder Woman, which is probably going to be your new favorite show….I don’t mean to spoil the excitement of the first episode, you know you’ve already planned watching with a vat of mayonaise and some raw chicken skin for masturbation purposes, so think of it as a preview of what’s to come…if you know what I mean…which you do… FOLLOW ME
In the event you were concerned with the condition of Ciara’s legs, you’ll be happy to know, she’s still got them…. I don’t know what anyone would be concered with the condition of Ciara’s legs, but I figured it was the only angle I had on this post, cuz I don’t even remember who Ciara is…. Wasn’t she the Milkshake Brings All the Boys to the Yard who everyone thought was a post-op tranny? You know in a it takes a dude to know how to really suck dick cuz he has a dick kinda way…. Well, that makes this post a little more questionable….maybe I should focus on pregnant bitches who I know have official lady parts, you know since this gender bender shit is out of control…Gays to the left of me, trannies to the right of me, lesbians behind me, and bi sexuals everywhere else….I blame all the hormones processed foods. I’m pretty sure she’s got a dick, it may be one of those dick clit pussies, but there’s no way this bitch has testicles…or is there? FOLLOW ME