Tag Archives: less-excited

Star Wars Episode VII: Which Hollywood Stars Would Star?

Clearly, a lot of big Hollywood names will be gunning for roles in Star Wars Episode VII . But some are more excited than others. Total Films compiled a video of interviews with some big stars talking about J.J. Abrams and whether or not they’d accept an offer to be a part of Episode VII . There’s Mila Kunis , Nicholas Hoult, Rachel Weisz, Joss Whedon, Eli Roth, Mark Wahlberg, and tons more. You may be surprised to hear who is less excited about the idea of being part of a timeless franchise. Check out the video to see for yourself: Movie Stars on Star Wars Episode VII

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Star Wars Episode VII: Which Hollywood Stars Would Star?

Star Wars Episode VII: Which Hollywood Stars Would Star?

Clearly, a lot of big Hollywood names will be gunning for roles in Star Wars Episode VII . But some are more excited than others. Total Films compiled a video of interviews with some big stars talking about J.J. Abrams and whether or not they’d accept an offer to be a part of Episode VII . There’s Mila Kunis , Nicholas Hoult, Rachel Weisz, Joss Whedon, Eli Roth, Mark Wahlberg, and tons more. You may be surprised to hear who is less excited about the idea of being part of a timeless franchise. Check out the video to see for yourself: Movie Stars on Star Wars Episode VII

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Star Wars Episode VII: Which Hollywood Stars Would Star?

New Iron Man 2 Poster Features War Machine

This may be hard to believe, but there’s a movie opening in 2010 that many people are more excited about than Eclipse . No offense, Robert Pattinson .

Excerpt from:
New Iron Man 2 Poster Features War Machine