So if it’s not shame that keeps Mila Kunis covered, then what is it? Seriously, if you know, please tell us. Mila’s been at the top of Mr. Skin’s Most Wanted Nudes list for years, and while nothing compares to boobs (on screen, that is), her sexy little short-shorts and sweaty rocker-chick look in a new Interview magazine photo shoot is solid fantasy fodder that will tide us over for a few weeks, at least. ” I guess you could say that I have no shame ,” she says in the accompanying interview with her Oz the Great and Powerful co-star James Franco . ” I think that certain things are funny and certain things are okay to make fun of—including myself. I think that you have to laugh at the absurdity of this entire industry and the absurdity of what it is we do. If I didn’t, I’d go crazy. ” So is the Mila you see on screen the “real” Mila? ” I’ve been pretty good about being who I am in the public’s eye. I don’t necessarily put on an act when I go on Jay Leno or dress differently in public than I do in private. I’d like to think I’m the same person, more or less, ” she adds. …Except for the push-up bras, of course. Asked if That ’70s Show and her 2002 Stuff Magazine cover made her popular in high school, Mila says: ” No, I wasn’t, because in real life I didn’t wear push-up bras. They were like, ‘You don’t look like you do in those pictures. This is false advertisement.’ And I was like, ‘I know, tell me about it.’ I don’t even think the boys spoke to me. ” We’re sure things have changed quite a bit since then. Lube up with more pics of Mila Kunis in the garage after the jump!

Continued here:
Mila Kunis Has No Shame [PICS]