Tag Archives: letting-herself

Candice Swanepoel Fat Rolls of the Day

Candice Swanepoel, celebrated Victoria’s Secret Model, is seen here, sitting, with her belly hanging out and fat rolls practically hanging over her bikini bottoms, in what is seriously vile an disgusting, letting herself go, maybe she’s pregnant behavior that is unacceptable by my standards for a Victoria’s Secret model, even though Victoria’s Secret seems pretty keen on their Brazilian Catholic unit getting knocked the fuck up on the regular… I mean to think girls aspire to have bodies like this is repulsive. It’s hardly anorexic enough. Doesn’t she know what her fucking job is…and why she’s made the millions…seriously… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

Candice Swanepoel Fat Rolls of the Day

Britney Spears: Photoshopped Into V Pics?

In the upcoming issue of V Magazine, Britney Spears discusses her management team, calling them ” her second family ,” and poses for photos with them. Well, the second part of that is up for debate. The images have attracted considerable scrutiny, with some remarking on how quickly Spears seems to have slimmed down for this particular shoot. “She has clearly been working out regularly in an effort to achieve such a healthy, lean look,” the Daily Mail (UK) notes judiciously . Fans were less PC. “Photoshopped a dillion! That’s her head on someone else’s body,” remarked one fan site. “Even Ray Charles can see the terrible ‘Cut and Paste’ job.” Weight-wise, it’s not like Britney has been letting herself go lately. In fact, she’s thinner at the end of her recent tour than she has been in months. The Britney Spears photos do look weird though. The lighting is off and her body seems to glow almost unnaturally. Are they posing with a Britney cardboard cutout? Or is that really Brit’s face on someone else’s body? If V did alter the images, why bother??! So many questions here. You tell us: Is Britney Photoshopped in these pics?

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Britney Spears: Photoshopped Into V Pics?

Fantasia Caught With Antwuan Cook AGAIN! [PHOTOS]

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Fantasia Barrino was caught in Barbados with old-time lover Antwuan Cook. The two were captured swimming in the ocean with Fantasia looking quite overweight. We can’t help but wonder is this a baby bump or is Fantasia letting herself go? It’s still not known whether Antwuan finalized his divorce with wife Paula Cook. As we previously reported, Fanny admitted to getting an abortion the first time she got pregnant with Antwuan’s child back in November. Check out pics of the two in Barbados here: Is Fantasia Pregnant Again By Married Boyfriend Antwaun Cook? Fantasia Testifies In Court, Admits To Aborting Antwuan Cook’s Baby Busted! Fantasia’s E-Mail Proves She Knew Antwuan Cook Was Married Fantasia’s Married Man Antwaun Cook Finally Releases Statement!

Fantasia Caught With Antwuan Cook AGAIN! [PHOTOS]

Kelly Clarkson is "Already Gone"

Some have said that Kelly Clarkson is letting herself go . That may or may not be, but she’s “Already Gone” in her new song – an introspective, whimsical video showing her looking better than she has in ages

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Kelly Clarkson is "Already Gone"