Tag Archives: like-interns

Activist Mom of the Day

I like seeing moms angry that the media is addressing real life issues that porn being available to all at the age of 4 thanks to the internet….freaking out because magazines for teens…who are statistically sexually active…write content about how to do it safely, and better…you know so you don’t get caught by your psycho mom…who is trying to pretend that sex doesn’t happen, so that you learn about it in a truck stop one night by your step daddy or some shit… I think it’s nice knowing that oppressive, sex fearing parents still exist, because some of the sluttiest girls I’ve knows have been a product of the least liberal of parents…you know weirdo religious types…and it’s let to some great times for me… So keep the activist parents fighting SODOMY in a world that is genderless, and more interestingly, FAIR…just yesteday in the park I heard a kid saying that all the players on his team are equal….like some kind of pussy…not realizing that no one is equal…but maybe that harsh reality will come before he breaks and turns to prescription drugs in 10 years…like the daughter of Activist Mom….who is probably already working on anal to not get pregnant…like EVERY girl I had sex with in High School…in an era before PORN…because humans are perverts and always will be…no matter how hard people pretend they aren’t…. I mean Activist mom by definition takes cum inside her so who is she to fucking complain…I assume she’s just trying to get viral videos going for Youtube money and this is just a variation of stage parenting…famewhoring…an angle…for her audience.. The post Activist Mom of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

Activist Mom of the Day

Chloe Bennet Agent of Shields in a Bikini of the Day

Chloe Bennet is on some nerdy show called Agents of Shield…and she’s wearing a bikini in Chicago because that’s what girls do when they are in Chicago…along with eating pizza and visiting Chris Farley’s death site….and really experiencing first hand just how fat American women can be….when they aren’t on a TV…like Chloe Bennet and her round little ass… The highlight of these pics is the dude who spotted the clit…weird world this internet is…weird fucking world.. The post Chloe Bennet Agent of Shields in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

Originally posted here:
Chloe Bennet Agent of Shields in a Bikini of the Day

Thick Ass Glass StepGIRLS Snapchat Takeover of the Day

The homies at THICK ASS GLASS gave us a bong to give to our INTERN to test out for you….because they like to HOOK us up… In this exciting video you will see her face….and not her ass because she won’t let us sexualize her like we are Bill Clinton…like interns are supposed to be sexualized…because she’s a new generation feminist and we must support that…. We also support smoking that bong on a Sunday because that’s what sundays are for…you know SUNDAZE… If you don’t know, now you know…that THICK ASS GLASS is the only way to smoke what you gotta smoke…it’s quality as fuck… The post Thick Ass Glass StepGIRLS Snapchat Takeover of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

See the original post:
Thick Ass Glass StepGIRLS Snapchat Takeover of the Day