Tag Archives: like-the-90s

Emily Ratajkowski Naked for my Friend Chris Heads of the Day

I have been friends with a very solid photographer named CHRIS HEADS since what feels like the 90s, but was probably back in 2006 on Myspace… He has since deleted me from his social media, so apparently we aren’t friends, which would explain why he hasn’t shot anything for DrunkenStepfather.com exclusively, but what he doesn’t know, is any picture of Emily Ratajkowski is for me, because I love her, and print them off, and wallpaper my one room basement apartment in them, so that I am in a room full of Emily, something that is as consuming as the real thing as I can get while plotting our flash mob proposal, and first wedding dance, just as soon as she responds to all the love letters I’ve been sending her, seal with my semen… What we can learn from this shoot is that Smoking is bad…but Emily Ratatatatatatakowski is so good.

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Emily Ratajkowski Naked for my Friend Chris Heads of the Day

Alanis Morissette Horrible Bikini Picture of the Day

Baby got back….and not in a big booty way…but in a big, broad back way that looks like it could be a fat man way… Reminding us that not all bikinis are created equally…and sometimes your bikini should be a fucking snow suit. I appreciate her embracing her body in this anti-bullying era – by rocking a bikini that reads “Self Love” for all the fat girls who hate the image the media portrays about how women should look, you know in some Feminist, this is who I am, bullshit….no wait, I don’t appreciate that at all. If she actually loved herself, she would eat better, workout more and not try to pass off a shitty body as some political commentary on the world we live in. I don’t care what anyone says, the government wants us fat and sick, and tricking us into thinking it’s ok to be that way, is just fucking gross….and the proof is in this picture. I didn’t find Alanis hot in the 90s, when she was 16, or really ever….so there was little chance I’d find her now, making this a nice reminder of how right I was early on with this one.

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Alanis Morissette Horrible Bikini Picture of the Day

Winona Ryder Old but Hot for Interview of the Day

It feels like the 90s up in here today….Winona Ryder who would think would look more like the grandmother scene in Edward Scissor hands and less like Winona Ryder….is posing in some silky lookin clothing for Interview like she’s not in her 40s….in fact…like she’s still in her early 20s…and the weirdest thing in all this is that I find her lookin better than she ever did, which is something that never happens, usually, by the 25th birthday it’s all down hill for a pussy, and I give up on them, but for some reason, a reason I’ll call movie magic, botox and good photography, I’m falling in love with Winona Ryder all over again, like she never fell off and is still filled with Johnny Depp, like she never became a criminal and disappeared from the celebrity world. She’s all lean and lovely…elegant like old hollywood, even if she’s just old and in Hollywood….and .I am ready for the comeback….even if it’s not the sex tape kind of comeback I like.

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Winona Ryder Old but Hot for Interview of the Day