Tag Archives: like-the-drunk

Kendall Jenner and her Mom Dancing for Christmas of the Day

I know a few people who have fucked mom’s and daughters…not at the same time…but they still did the double generation…I even know a guy who did three generations…in the same fucking week at an all inclusive resort…the idea is hot…you know the cute looking mom, with the cute 18 year old daughter who likes the idea of fucking her stepfather thanks to the interent destroying her soul when she was 10 and she was introduced to porn, and now, despite being totally normal and cute, is actually a total fucking nympho who takes nudes all night, masturbates all day, and wants to get chocked out and spat on, which blows your fucking mind, because you are in your 40s and no girl was ever into such vile shit, not even the most desperate of porn chicks, but we’re in a new generation…hot as fuck generation… But for some reason, a reason I call the Kardashian’s being sent from hell to shit on popculture, and prove that we as a people are doomed, seeing mom and daughter famewhoring just makes me feel uncomfortable…because it’s weird…no matter how hot of a body tranny’s daughter has….this level of desperation and putting themselves out there…is fucked….but something for people to talk about, because people care…even though I absolutely don’t care…I am just so trained at updating this stupid site that I post everything I don’t care about to punish my miserable life…

Go here to see the original:
Kendall Jenner and her Mom Dancing for Christmas of the Day

stepGIRLS for The Kind Pen of the Day

Here’s what I call a little Christmas miracle, starring one of our latest #stepGIRLS who got into the Christmas spirit, wearing her Christmas lingerie, in what looks like it could be a rape van, not because we endorse rape like the drunk topless dudes at the bar last night did, but because it’s how we travel in luxury here…. She’s rockin’ her christmas party of half naked goodness with her KIND PEN VAPE , which according to my friend who is all about weed is the best vape around because you can use weed, oils and fucking whatever else you crackheads are smoking in vapes these days….since I don’t smoke and know nothing about these things… So if you’re looking for something to get your girl, or any girl high enough to fuck you…. GET THIS NOW ANd if you want to look at some silly pics by us for us….here you go…

Continued here:
stepGIRLS for The Kind Pen of the Day

Chinese Teacher Giving Lessons of the Day

In China, the teachers are like the drunk mall Santa Claus…fucking pedophiles..at least if you if you think that spanking kinds in front of the class is something sexual and weird….when really it could just be teaching them a good old fashioned lesson…something that we don’t do here in America, because in America we’ve gone soft and don’t believe in doing anything controversial, or that isn’t politically correct… Not that I think spanking kinds like some pervert in class is awesome training for anything but turning them into hookers….but it is so weird it’s funny and that’s why I am posting it. Maybe you’re more into Business Suit Brawls..

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Chinese Teacher Giving Lessons of the Day

Chinese Teacher Giving Lessons of the Day

In China, the teachers are like the drunk mall Santa Claus…fucking pedophiles..at least if you if you think that spanking kinds in front of the class is something sexual and weird….when really it could just be teaching them a good old fashioned lesson…something that we don’t do here in America, because in America we’ve gone soft and don’t believe in doing anything controversial, or that isn’t politically correct… Not that I think spanking kinds like some pervert in class is awesome training for anything but turning them into hookers….but it is so weird it’s funny and that’s why I am posting it. Maybe you’re more into Business Suit Brawls..

Follow this link:
Chinese Teacher Giving Lessons of the Day