If you’re like me, you like your pregnant bitches in their first tri-mester cuz you still get the benefits of pregnancy by fucking them and cumming in their gutter pussies without having to deal with condoms and the stress of unwanted pregnancy with a bitch who is clearly crazy cuz she’s letting you fuck her without a condom before she gets all big, bloated, thick nippled, fat and disgusting with swollen ankles and smelling like the parts of their bodies they have neglected to wash because they haven’t been able to reach partially cuz they were too busy complaining and eating…prepping their man for the hell he is about to embark in, you know like actual pregnant chicks…the kind you can’t pretend aren’t pregnant, especially when they hit the stage at you’re local stripclub….making you feel guilty for a few minutes before taking advantage of the situation cuz you know a pregnant bitch stripping is the kind of desperation that is more than willing to take things to the next level in the back alley outside the stripclub…. On a sidenote, I saw my old neighbor last night and she was pregnant….she used to be a drunk whore with an apartment that worked with a revolving door policy….where I’d see at least 3 different dudes walk through in a given day…making me wonder if she knows who the dad is but more importantly, I wonder if she’s gone legit and wholesome and whether her husband knows her seedy past….Maybe I’ll have to bring it up when I see them playing with their kid in the park next year…It’ll give me something to look forward to… Here is Jennifer Garner’s semi-pregnant, or pregnant enough to still fuck body…if you ever like Jennifer Garner…which I didn’t…but I do this shit for you. I’m like Santa Claus you appreciative pricks… Pics via Bauer

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Jennifer Garner’s Premature Ready To Drop Porn of the Day
Posted in Hot Stuff, Sex, Videos
Tagged bennyhollywood, Hollywood, jennifer garner, like-the-parts, local-stripclub, Nsfw, pregnant-chicks, reach-partially, stars, stripclub, TMZ, underwear, wonder-if-she