Tag Archives: like-the-video

Bella Thorne Doesn’t Suck

I hate to admit this, but I dig this Bella Thorne tune. Sure I won’t be adding it to my playlist, but it’s not that bad. And I also like the video. I would have liked it better had she shown more skin, but it doesn’t suck. I know it is easy to hate on her, but I call it like it is. It’s better than 90% of the crap I hear on the radio.                

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Bella Thorne Doesn’t Suck

Iggy Azalea to Vivid: Keep My (Trademarked) Name Off (Possibly Real) Sex Tape!

Iggy Azalea’s strategy to combat the release of her purported sex tape appears to be the legal equivalent of throwing s–t at the wall and hoping something sticks. Her latest tactic? Telling porn distributor Vivid it can expect a lawsuit if it releases the video, which may or may not be real … because her name is trademarked! That’s right … “Iggy Azalea” can only be used by Iggy Azalea, she claims. At this point, it appears to that an Iggy Azalea sex tape exists. Probably. Her lawyers’ denials, originally direct and succinct, have become more numerous and nebulous (one might even say flimsy) in the ensuing days. Initially, they said it was fake, then said she may have been underage . Then they claimed she may or may not have consented to it – which is ridiculous, either she did or she didn’t – if the video is legit. Which it maybe isn’t. Iggy personally denied the tape, only to see the alleged co-star Hefe Wine come forward to say it’s totally real and that she was 18 when he met her. So … Trying a different tack, Azalea attorneys have sent a letter to Vivid, which has said it’s reviewing the tape, claiming her stage name is a U.S. Trademark. Vivid is reportedly unmoved , and continuing its “due diligence” … ick. We don’t even want to know what’s going on behind those scenes, but TMZ also says Iggy feels betrayed by her ex, so it’s looking like the video’s legit. Will we get to see it? All we can do is stay tuned on that front. 11 Odd Iggy Azalea Facts! 1. Her Stage Name Has History She took the name “Iggy Azalea” from her childhood dog and the street she grew up on.

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Iggy Azalea to Vivid: Keep My (Trademarked) Name Off (Possibly Real) Sex Tape!

Olivia Munn "Forgot" About Her Magic Mike Nude Scene [PIC]

Why, oh why did Olivia Munn wait so long to do nudity? We longed for years and years to see the Queen of Geek Chic naked, and now that she’s done a proper topless scene in Magic Mike (2012), she’s positively flippant about it. But there’s no use in dwelling in the past- let’s focus on the future. A bright, shining future full of Olivia Munn naked. Because, as we mentioned, she’s awfully casual about the whole thing. As she told New York Magazine ‘s Vulture blog: “I forgot that I did [the topless scene] until I saw it at the premiere. The way it was shot didn’t feel gratuitous — I think that’s what every actress says, right? ” “There are very few directors I would ever do it for, ” she goes on to say. ” Also, my character was getting out of the shower and to keep it as realistic as possible I didn’t wear a shirt in the shower. The day of the shoot, I locked it down. I only wanted the people who absolutely had to be there. I even cleared out video village, which you’d normally forget about. ” Video Village? That sounds like the video store we worked at in college. (Actually, it’s the area around the playback monitors where the director, producers, and key staff watch raw footage as it’s being shot.) Anyway, what were you saying about your Magic Mike character, Olivia? ” I based her on an ex-boyfriend. It’s that guy you’re dating who’s fun, cute, you have great sex, and then three weeks into it you go, ‘So, my friends are doing this little party — ‘ and he’s like ‘Whoa! What? I thought we were just having fun.’ When women do that? They’re a bitch or a slut. I wanted her to be neither. She’s a sexual person. She’s doing what she wants. ” You’ll be pulling a rabbit put of your pants with sexy pics and clips of Magic Mike star Olivia Munn right here at MrSkin.com!

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Olivia Munn "Forgot" About Her Magic Mike Nude Scene [PIC]

As Long As You Love Me – Justin Bieber (lyric video) by BieberJRivers

I decided to have a go at making my 1st ever lyric video. This look me about 2 hours to do, so a lot of effort was put into it. If you like the video then let me know by clicking the “Like” button – that would be awesome. If you like the song then be sure to buy Justin Bieber’s new album “BELIEVE” – itunes.apple.com Follow me on Twitter. www.twitter.com Follow me on Tumblr. www.jaxonrivers.tumblr.com http://www.youtube.com/v/1-RpBAlpox0?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata More: As Long As You Love Me – Justin Bieber (lyric video) by BieberJRivers

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As Long As You Love Me – Justin Bieber (lyric video) by BieberJRivers

Stuck in the Moment by Justin Bieber Lyrics

heyy! I am A Belieberr I love Justin Bieber Like the video if you’re a belieber too. Please do not watch if you’re not a belieber and don’t need any nasty comments about Justin Bieber. If they hate him, they can stop listening to his music and commenting on them! Why do they bother? #No copyright intended. all rights go to Justin Bieber. Like my page on facebook :www.facebook.com Follow me on twitter : twitter.com (I follow back who follow me) So I Hope you enjoy. Like if you Like the Song and you’re a belieber. Comment of what you think about the video (no nasty comments) Subscribe if you think i am good. Thank you http://www.youtube.com/v/pgFGVZa6_mc?f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Go here to read the rest: Stuck in the Moment by Justin Bieber Lyrics

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Stuck in the Moment by Justin Bieber Lyrics

Rihanna Says “Cheers” In New Sneak Peek! [VIDEO]

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Rihanna’s “Cheers” video is on it’s way. And though there’s been a delay in it’s release (due to the East Coast’s earthquake and evacuation of some needed businessmen’s buildings), Riri was nice enough to give her fans a sneak peek. It looks like the video will mostly be behind-the-scenes footage of her “Loud” tour: from fans cheering and Rihanna doing her makeup before the show, to her finally taking the stage and partying with friends afterwards. Work hard, play hard; cheers to that! Is Nicki Minaj Moving In With Rihanna? Did Rihanna & J. Cole Make A Sex Tape?

Rihanna Says “Cheers” In New Sneak Peek! [VIDEO]

Baby by Justin Bieber Lyrics

hii peoples of youtube im uploading a video. what are you doing? hah. welll before you watch the video, may you know that I made this video in 1 day and i dont like it. sonng is goood. video isnt that goood. telll me what you thinkk. By the way, did you guys like the background? if you did, thank RealFunnySox24! He picked it out for me. Hes awesome! Go subscribe him. Now! Hah (= im not gonna make a long long comment thing cause idk what to say. hahah. but answer these questions 1. Like the song? Don’t? Why? 2. Like the video? Don’t? Why? 3. What can I do to improve? Really tell me! 4. Its finallly the weekend! Yayyy. Whatcha gonna do? 5. Do you like my videos? No? Why? Enjoy the video! (= PS please please subscribe my backup………. I know I have said this a lot of times but i do have 2 warnings! One more…… bye bye ChaldoPrincess97. Do you guys really want that to happen? If you do then idk what to say. wellll here is the link to it…. please subscribe it. www.youtube.com Bye (= http://www.youtube.com/v/8gPIIhX1V7M?f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Read more: Baby by Justin Bieber Lyrics

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Baby by Justin Bieber Lyrics