Tag Archives: literally-been

Huge River of Dead Fish Clogs Mississippi Near the Gulf

Photo via NOLA At first glance, you might not even notice the dead fish in the picture above — there are too many of them. But no, that’s not a gravely parking lot. It’s a section of the Mississippi River that has literally been clogged with thousands of dead fish in the wake of the BP Gulf spill . And while investigation as to the cause of the mass fish kill is still underway, there are fears that new toxins in the water from spilled oil or chemical dispersants have played a role. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Huge River of Dead Fish Clogs Mississippi Near the Gulf

Viewer Mail Volume 11: Love Connection

Wow! OK, I had no idea my recent article on The Daily Beast ( link here ) would have created such a media blitz. Not sure of it’s just been a slow news week or something else, but I just thought some people would find my experiences interesting. I was not prepared for the enormous amount of interest and response to this article. It’s literally been like being back in the campaign with the amount of traffic we’ve received. Thanks to all of you who took the time to write in some encouraging words. I’m thrilled to hear all the positive playlist feedback! And I’m more than a little embarrassed at all the date offers, too. Here’s a quick sampling of some of the emails I’ve received over the last few days. Thanks again for your support! I will be updating about other developments later this week!

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Viewer Mail Volume 11: Love Connection