Tag Archives: lives-at-risk

Ridiculous Power Tripping Cop Who Almost Killed Someone By Not Doing his Job of the Day

I saw this yesterday and it made me mad…and it will probably make you mad too. The story is simple, some power tripping cop who was manning the 911 phones decided to not do his fucking job, but instead take on the role of school teacher because a girl said “fuck” during a crisis….forcing her to run to the police station to get an ambulance as her dad was in seizure on the kitchen floor, because asshole refused to serve her like a disgruntled cashier at a retail store, instead of like an emergency respondent…. I fucking hate people like this, who don’t realize their place in the world, who preach at inappropriate times, when bitch was just using the system in place to save her dying father…. To make things even more insane, he arrested her under fake charges. I think we sould all email the Police Chief Thomas Karnes and tell him that his employee shouldn’t just be suspended or fired but in fact arrested for putting lives at risk….Assshole… His email is tkarnes@citylp.com DrunkenStepfather.com – always saving the world….

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Ridiculous Power Tripping Cop Who Almost Killed Someone By Not Doing his Job of the Day

Snakes and Ladders


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(YouTube link) Being an only child is not so bad when you have a dog to play with. But watch out for a dog who rolls dice this well -he will beat you to the finish! -via Arbroath Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Neatorama Discovery Date : 02/04/2011 19:39 Number of articles : 2

Snakes and Ladders

Lindsey Graham: ‘Free Speech is a Great Idea but We are At War’


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It appears Lindsey Graham is a bit confused about what ‘Freedom’ means. It is not something you turn on and off when it suits you and it is EXACTLY what our Men and Woman in uniform are putting their lives at risk for….FREEDOM. The Qur’an burning wasn’t necessarily smart or in good taste but to say that at times of War Freedom of speech should be put on hold is very disturbing. Can you say HUGE Disconnect… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : P/Oed Patriot Discovery Date : 03/04/2011 23:03 Number of articles : 2

Lindsey Graham: ‘Free Speech is a Great Idea but We are At War’

Somali radio stations comply with Islamists’ music ban

“Most radio stations in Somalia have stopped playing music, on the orders of Islamist Hizbul-Islam insurgents who say that songs are un-Islamic. The stations said they had to comply with the ban as if they did not, they would be putting their lives at risk. The BBC correspondent in Somalia says this latest order has strong echoes of the Taliban in Afghanistan. In the past, militants in some areas have banned watching films and football and made men's beards compulsory. Somalia has not had a functioning central government since 1991 and the Islamist militants control large parts of its territory. The transitional government – backed by African Union troops and UN funds – controls only a small part of the capital, Mogadishu…” http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/8617627.stm added by: Mariased

Stephanie Pratt Charged, Breaks Silence on DUI

She may not have been plastered like Holly Montag on last night’s The Hills , but a .08 is a .08, period, so Stephanie Pratt was formally charged with DUI today. After her arrest two Sundays ago in Hollywood, the sister of Spencer Pratt was given a breathalyzer and blew exactly the amount considered over the limit. She was pulled over at 3:45 a.m.

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Stephanie Pratt Charged, Breaks Silence on DUI