Tag Archives: local-horizons

Empty Theaters, 0% Positive Reviews Greet Sarah Palin Documentary

Customarily on Fridays, when a new movie reaches theaters over the howling, nose-pinching, and often very funny protests of the critical establishment, the saltiest of those responses are gathered here for your browsing pleasure. That’s given that there is enough of a sample, or that the stinker in question is intended for a broad enough audience for us to advise viewers of the open manhole in their path. And then… there’s the Sarah Palin documentary.

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Empty Theaters, 0% Positive Reviews Greet Sarah Palin Documentary

Blockbustus Profoundum! Potter Finale Draws Record-Shattering $43.5 Million at Midnight

We all saw it coming , and not just because of the lines of cape-wearing, wand-waving fans stretching into half the world’s local horizons: The franchise-ending cocktail of anticipation, hype and 3-D also known as Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 earned $43.5 million from midnight showings nationwide. And yes, that would be a record. Handily .

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Blockbustus Profoundum! Potter Finale Draws Record-Shattering $43.5 Million at Midnight