Tag Archives: 43-5-million

Kate Middleton on Kim Kardashian Tea Request: LOL Whatever!

Is there a Middleton-Kardashian feud brewing? Probably not, but the celebrity gossip rumor mill is swirling after Kim’s overtures toward meeting the Duchess in the UK and Kate allegedly giving her the Heisman. Here’s how it went down, supposedly: Kim is “obsessed” with Kate and ” desperately wanted to hang out ” while she was launching her new Kollection. This much is true. In early November, Kim said she wanted to get together with Kate in London: “I’d call her up and ask her to lunch. She’s amazing.” This got back to Kate, according to an insider: “Kate can’t stand their style, and from what she knows about their TV show, it’s just a bunch of trashy people primping and yelling at each other,” the source dished. Certainly hard to argue that point. “She’s far too polite to diss Kim to her face, but she’s got enough on her plate without having tea with the Kardashians or someone like them.” In short … trash by association. “The royal family is very careful. The Duchess gets free clothes sent to her every day of the week, and she always sends them back,” the palace mole goes on. “She doesn’t want to appear she is endorsing any product. It’s not proper. Quite apart from that, the Kardashian outfits just aren’t appropriate for a duchess.” Another indisputable point: “Kate is hardly going to turn up for an event with the queen in a cheap leopard-print miniskirt or gold sequined jacket!” Can you imagine if they did get together? What would they do? Talk about fashion? Men? Compare notes between the Kate Middleton topless scandal and Kim Kardashian sex tape ? We will probably never, ever know. [Photos: WENN.com]

Kate Middleton on Kim Kardashian Tea Request: LOL Whatever!

Kate Middleton on Kim Kardashian Tea Request: LOL Whatever!

Is there a Middleton-Kardashian feud brewing? Probably not, but the celebrity gossip rumor mill is swirling after Kim’s overtures toward meeting the Duchess in the UK and Kate allegedly giving her the Heisman. Here’s how it went down, supposedly: Kim is “obsessed” with Kate and ” desperately wanted to hang out ” while she was launching her new Kollection. This much is true. In early November, Kim said she wanted to get together with Kate in London: “I’d call her up and ask her to lunch. She’s amazing.” This got back to Kate, according to an insider: “Kate can’t stand their style, and from what she knows about their TV show, it’s just a bunch of trashy people primping and yelling at each other,” the source dished. Certainly hard to argue that point. “She’s far too polite to diss Kim to her face, but she’s got enough on her plate without having tea with the Kardashians or someone like them.” In short … trash by association. “The royal family is very careful. The Duchess gets free clothes sent to her every day of the week, and she always sends them back,” the palace mole goes on. “She doesn’t want to appear she is endorsing any product. It’s not proper. Quite apart from that, the Kardashian outfits just aren’t appropriate for a duchess.” Another indisputable point: “Kate is hardly going to turn up for an event with the queen in a cheap leopard-print miniskirt or gold sequined jacket!” Can you imagine if they did get together? What would they do? Talk about fashion? Men? Compare notes between the Kate Middleton topless scandal and Kim Kardashian sex tape ? We will probably never, ever know. [Photos: WENN.com]

Kate Middleton on Kim Kardashian Tea Request: LOL Whatever!

Lindsay Lohan on Good Morning America: Dishing on Liz & Dick, Playing Dumb on Half-Sister

Lindsay Lohan promoted her new Lifetime movie Liz & Dick on Good Morning America Friday, awkwardly pleading ignorance on yesterday’s big half-sister reveal. For the most part, GMA was lobbing softballs at LiLo … except when the subject of Michael Lohan’s teenage love child – confirmed by DNA test on live TV – came up: Lindsay Lohan on Good Morning America Asked what her reaction was to hearing she has a half-sister, Lindsay said “I didn’t even hear that, so thanks for the news. I don’t pay attention to any of that.” Sure. Hopefully we’ll see better acting from Lindsay Lohan as Elizabeth Taylor in Liz & Dick than we just did in the Good Morning America studio.

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Lindsay Lohan on Good Morning America: Dishing on Liz & Dick, Playing Dumb on Half-Sister

Lindsay Lohan on Good Morning America: Dishing on Liz & Dick, Playing Dumb on Half-Sister

Lindsay Lohan promoted her new Lifetime movie Liz & Dick on Good Morning America Friday, awkwardly pleading ignorance on yesterday’s big half-sister reveal. For the most part, GMA was lobbing softballs at LiLo … except when the subject of Michael Lohan’s teenage love child – confirmed by DNA test on live TV – came up: Lindsay Lohan on Good Morning America Asked what her reaction was to hearing she has a half-sister, Lindsay said “I didn’t even hear that, so thanks for the news. I don’t pay attention to any of that.” Sure. Hopefully we’ll see better acting from Lindsay Lohan as Elizabeth Taylor in Liz & Dick than we just did in the Good Morning America studio.

See the rest here:
Lindsay Lohan on Good Morning America: Dishing on Liz & Dick, Playing Dumb on Half-Sister

Breaking Dawn Part 2 Hauls in $30 Million Overnight

Breaking Dawn Part 2 is off and running. The final installment of The Twilight Saga grossed $30.4 million combined at Thursday night and midnight showings this morning. Impressive? Yes. A record? Not quite. Last year’s Breaking Dawn Part 1 garnered a franchise-high $30.3 million solely from midnight screenings from around the nation, for example. And Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 took in $43.5 million from that same time slot alone. THG will be all over the film’s box office receipts as the weekend progresses, but we wanna know: Have you seen it yet? Will you be seeing it again? Do agree with our Breaking Dawn Part 2 review ? Sound off now, Twihards!

Here is the original post:
Breaking Dawn Part 2 Hauls in $30 Million Overnight

Breaking Dawn Part 2 Hauls in $30 Million Overnight

Breaking Dawn Part 2 is off and running. The final installment of The Twilight Saga grossed $30.4 million combined at Thursday night and midnight showings this morning. Impressive? Yes. A record? Not quite. Last year’s Breaking Dawn Part 1 garnered a franchise-high $30.3 million solely from midnight screenings from around the nation, for example. And Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 took in $43.5 million from that same time slot alone. THG will be all over the film’s box office receipts as the weekend progresses, but we wanna know: Have you seen it yet? Will you be seeing it again? Do agree with our Breaking Dawn Part 2 review ? Sound off now, Twihards!

Here is the original post:
Breaking Dawn Part 2 Hauls in $30 Million Overnight

Harry Potter Box Office Records

Harry Potter took down more than just Voldemort this weekend. The final installment of this beloved franchise set numerous box office records. Among them: * The biggest-ever midnight gross ($43.5 million). * The biggest-ever opening day/single day haul ($92.1 million). * The biggest-ever IMAX opening ($15.5 million). * The biggest-ever opening three-day total ($168.8 million) domestically. * The biggest-ever international total for a three-day opening ($475 million).

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Harry Potter Box Office Records

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Takes Down Voldemort, Box Office Records

Harry Potter took down more than just Voldemort this weekend. The final installment of this beloved franchise set numerous box office records. Among them: The biggest-ever midnight gross ($43.5 million). The biggest-ever opening day/single day haul ($92.1 million). The biggest-ever IMAX opening ($15.5 million). The biggest-ever opening three-day total ($168.8 million). The movie also presented us with the very first look at The Dark Knight Rises trailer . What did you think of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?

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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Takes Down Voldemort, Box Office Records

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Takes Down The Twilight Saga

In what will likely be the first of many records set by Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 , the film has knocked The Twilight Saga out of a number-one perch. The final adventure for Daniel Radcliffe and company $43.5 million at midnight screenings Friday morning, demolishing the $30 million mark set by The Twilight Saga: Eclipse . Harry cleared $80 overall yesterday, blowing by the $72 million record by The Twilight Saga: New Moon . Look for it to gross over $180 million before the weekend is over, which would move it past The Dark Knight and prove once and for all: Movie goers prefer wizards to vampires and mayhem-causing superheroes.

Original post:
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Takes Down The Twilight Saga

Blockbustus Profoundum! Potter Finale Draws Record-Shattering $43.5 Million at Midnight

We all saw it coming , and not just because of the lines of cape-wearing, wand-waving fans stretching into half the world’s local horizons: The franchise-ending cocktail of anticipation, hype and 3-D also known as Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 earned $43.5 million from midnight showings nationwide. And yes, that would be a record. Handily .

Continued here:
Blockbustus Profoundum! Potter Finale Draws Record-Shattering $43.5 Million at Midnight