Tag Archives: london-evening

Naked Body Scanner Image of Film Star Printed, Circulated by Airport Staff

Authorities’ claim that virtual strip search pictures immediately destroyed proven fraudulent – use of devices needs to be halted now. Claims on behalf of authorities that naked body scanner images are immediately destroyed after passengers pass through new x-ray backscatter devices have been proven fraudulent after it was revealed that naked images of Indian film star Shahrukh Khan were printed out and circulated by airport staff at Heathrow in London. UK Transport Secretary Lord Adonis said last week that the images produced by the scanners were deleted “immediately” and airport staff carrying out the procedure are fully trained and supervised. “It is very important to stress that the images which are captured by body scanners are immediately deleted after the passenger has gone through the body scanner,” Adonis told the London Evening Standard. Adonis was forced to address privacy concerns following reports that the images produced by the scanners broke child pornography laws in the UK. When the scanners were first introduced, it was also speculated that images of famous people would be ripe for abuse as the pictures produced by the devices make genitals “eerily visible” according to journalists who have investigated trials of the technology. However, the Transport Secretary’s assurances were demolished after it was revealed on the BBC’s Jonathan Ross show Friday that Indian actor Shahrukh Khan had passed through a body scan and later had the image of his naked body printed out and circulated by Heathrow security staff. more at link… added by: rodstradamus

Samantha Burke Defends Jude Law

Samantha Burke, the woman pregnant with Jude Law’s love child, is trying to downplay her mother’s recent remark that the actor “didn’t want” the baby. Lea Burke, was quoted in a London paper as saying the actor “didn’t want the baby” and that Samantha was “terrified” to reveal she was knocked up by Jude Law . The London Evening Standard quoted Lea: “It would be nice if the father was around, but that’s not going to happen because of his job and Samantha knows that.” But in a press conference outside Lea’s Pensacola, Fla., home, Samantha and her lawyers made it clear that the dad-to-be has responded positively to the pregnancy.

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Samantha Burke Defends Jude Law