Tag Archives: long-as-people

Amanda Bynes Rocks the Bong of the Day

Amanda Bynes is hot, long legged, desperate and a failed child star I want to save…because I usually get to fuck the girls I save… She’s been addicted to getting busted for bad driving and accidents cuz it has finally got people talking about her….like a rebel teen who just doesn’t care about the rules as long as people keep telling him to stop breaking them….I’m thinking maybe her parents are divorced or maybe she had her childhood robbed and this is her crying for help…. But now she’s gone to smoking hash, or at least a pipe in her car, for the paparazzi, probably as a lie, stunt, to get people talking, which they are doing….when really all she should be doing is a sex tape…or at least a sex hard cuddle with me….cuz she’s lovely… I don’t buy this shit, but I’ll post it cuz i have nothing else to do and because i am pathetic. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

See the article here:
Amanda Bynes Rocks the Bong of the Day

Happy Birthday, Tiger Woods!

What a year for Tiger Woods. The greatest golfer of all time lost his #1 ranking, Elin Nordegren and the respect of tens of millions of fans. But if there’s one thing America loves more than sordid sex scandals and epic falls from grace, it’s a tale of redemption. So on his 35th birthday, here’s hoping Woods gives us reason to cheer in 2011. With time, we can forgive “transgressions” as long as people are sincere. He’s suffered long enough. We want to see Tiges back on top… and we don’t mean with Rachel Uchitel . Happy birthday and go get ’em, big guy. Go get ’em …

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Happy Birthday, Tiger Woods!

San Francisco Considers Banning Sale Of Pets Except Fish

Sell a guinea pig, go to jail. That's the law under consideration by San Francisco's Commission of Animal Control and Welfare. If the commission approves the ordinance at its meeting tonight, San Francisco could soon have what is believed to be the country's first ban on the sale of all pets except fish. That includes dogs, cats, hamsters, mice, rats, chinchillas, guinea pigs, birds, snakes, lizards and nearly every other critter, or, as the commission calls them, companion ani…. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f= /c/a/2010/07/08/MN9L1EAT90.DTL added by: shanklinmike

Dolce and Gabana Support Homosexuality on Vacation of the Day

Dolce and Gabana are so gay….and so is every chachi motherfucker who wears their 100 dollar t-shirts to impress the chicks when all you’re really doin’ is makin’ these ‘mo’s richer…I have no easy with homosexuality at all, I don’t care who is fucking who as long as people are fucking, but I wonder if middle America dudes who pick this shit up at TJ Maxx, or the meatheads I see walking into cheesy clubs know what they’re really getting themselves into and the whole thing is funny to me…. If you’re wondering why I am posting this, it’s not cuz I just jerked off to it, it’s cuz there was a chick in a bikini there and that shit is my job….I promise…no…seriously guys, come on….I’m not gay…ok…it’s getting old…you can stop now…fine…you wanna hear that I’m gay…you want me to admit it…will that make you shut the fuck up….fine I jerk off to cock….not fuck yourself…

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Dolce and Gabana Support Homosexuality on Vacation of the Day