Tag Archives: lose-yourself

Sign Language Version of "Lose Yourself" Goes Viral, Is Awesome

Ready to lose yourself after checking out this amazingly unexpected version of “Lose Yourself?” A YouTube user named Shelby Mitchusson has uploaded a video of herself conducting the entire version of this Eminem classic in sign language. We're not sure if the opportunity to do so only came once in Shelby's lifetime. But, if so, she has clearly made the most of it. So move over,  Wu-Tang Sign Language Interpreter , there's a new awe-inspiring signer in town. Peep her mad skills now.

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Sign Language Version of "Lose Yourself" Goes Viral, Is Awesome

Meet Hottie Christina Makowski

I know that you perverts rely on me for all your late-breaking news when it comes to the world of up-and-coming hotties, but I can’t say that I have a whole lot of insider info on Christina Makowski here, besides the obvious: that she’s an instant pants fire. It’s not for lack of trying though. I did an exhaustive 45-second Google search, my new personal best. But all I was able to learn from that is that Christina’s Instagram is a great place to lose yourself in for a few hours and that I have no self-control. So just enjoy. » view all 22 photos

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Meet Hottie Christina Makowski