Tag Archives: magical-powers

Watch SZA Get Revenge On Her Ex In Fantastical ‘Supermodel’ Video

SZA uses her magical powers in the fantastical ‘Supermodel’ video.

See more here:
Watch SZA Get Revenge On Her Ex In Fantastical ‘Supermodel’ Video

Did Eva Green Cast A Spell On Us?

I’m pretty sure that Eva Green is either some kind of witch or simply has some mysterious magical powers because whenever I see her I can’t look away. There is something about Eva Green’s beauty that captures all of my attention. … read more

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Did Eva Green Cast A Spell On Us?

Did Eva Green Cast A Spell On Us?

I’m pretty sure that Eva Green is either some kind of witch or simply has some mysterious magical powers because whenever I see her I can’t look away. There is something about Eva Green’s beauty that captures all of my attention. … read more

Read this article:
Did Eva Green Cast A Spell On Us?

Miley Cyrus Does Bikini Yoga of the Day

Last week, Miley was in Costa Rica with some friends…and in being in Costa Rica she did some spiritual fitness to cleanse her evil, money grubbing, spoiled brat soul, by “totally trying not to get fat cuz fat is so ewwww”….you see cuz she knows no one wants any of that…and I think she looks fucking awesome…her body is long and lean….tight and fit….bendy and fertile….and unfortunately, I’m a fucking fan of staring at her looking like this….when I, more than anyone I know what to hate her at my core…and at her core…but all I can think about is how good she looks and how willing I’d be to eat her period…cuz it must hold magical powers I want dripping off my chin….She’s the best….at least these pics are the best….for the fucking win…

Originally posted here:
Miley Cyrus Does Bikini Yoga of the Day