Tag Archives: make-statements

Angelina Jolie Refuses to Eat Because Poor People Can’t, Source Claims

Angelina Jolie is shedding pounds like a madman, according to a new tabloid report, and unlike many anorexic, waifish celebs, it has zero to do with vanity. It’s all about making a political statement, says a source. The 36-year-old U.N. goodwill ambassador, who travels the globe meeting the poor, “puts herself on fasts to make statements for the children she visits.” “She says, ‘If they can’t eat, I can’t eat,'” the source adds. “She does different cleanses from around the world. It’s very dramatic, but that’s how she is.” Angelina Jolie: Wasting away to nothing? The actress, currently promoting her directorial debut, In the Land of Blood and Honey , has Brad Pitt worried about her health, according to other insiders. “He’s worried about her and has made her see a zillion doctors,” the alleged experts say , but despite the concerns of some, “they just tell her she’s fine.” So … is she really starving herself in that case? Probably not. But she can’t hide the fact that she’s looking thinner these days … and she certainly can’t hide the crazy , according to made-up nannies. [Photo: WENN.com]

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Angelina Jolie Refuses to Eat Because Poor People Can’t, Source Claims

Wnna see a close-up of Justin Beiber making out with some random chick?

Look at your calendars and remember this day. Burn the date deep into your memory and then look up at the sun, stretch your hands towards the sky, and rejoice. The impossible has become possible. There is now a .00001 percent chance Justin Bieber might makeout with you. The above snapshot was taken by some random young ladies a few months ago in Toronto, Canada, following a Bieber concert. According to the photographer, “Justin and my friend Michelle kissed behind the Four Seasons Hotel downtown a few months ago while he was in town for a concert… I didn’t feel right about releasing it before, but now its fine cuz its been a while. ” ( Ed. Note: Attention Mensa.) So who is this lucky young lady who has basically lived the dream of 97 percent of women? Surprisingly, no information has been released about her. Probably because it’s hard to make statements to the media when you’re in the Witness Protection Program. Because let’s face it: This girl’s life is in danger. The Beliebers basically guillotined Kim Kardashian for just being the kid’s friend . But a girl who actually did it? Achieved the impossible? Broke away from the throngs of billions to actually score a Bieber make out? Assuming this girl’s name is Molly… If 13-year-olds start falling out of the sky dead, I think we’ll all know who to blame. (Answer: This girl.) http://www.bestweekever.tv/2011-01-12/tweenpocalypse-justin-bieber-makes-out-with-random-fan/

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Wnna see a close-up of Justin Beiber making out with some random chick?