Tag Archives: make-the-media

Jeff Goldblum Reenacts Jurassic Park at Friends’ Wedding!

The trend of having your wedding photos edited to make it look like your guests are running from a dinosaur is officially played out. When newlyeds Jesse and Pamela Sargeant jumped on board with the trend, however, they added one crucial ingredient that can make any fad cool again: Jeff freakin’ Goldblum. Goldblum recently got engaged  to Emilie Livingston, and it seems that over the weekend, he accompanied his 31-year-old (!) fiancee to her friends’ wedding. Emile’s young, presumably hipsterish friends were reportedly so jazzed to see Goldblum in attendance that they overcame the creepiness of the fact that Goldblum was like 40 when he made Jurassic Park, and insisted the the acting legend join them in a tribute to their favorite childhood flick. Goldblum can be seen in the middle of the photo wearing a different color  suit than the other guys. He clearly wasn’t in the wedding party but agreed to play along anyway. “Thanks to everyone who came to celebrate with us, and thanks to Jeff for being a good sport!” the bride wrote on her Facebook page. “Never woulda imagined we’d make the media!” No word yet on whether or not Goldblum plans to recreate any of his other films during his and Livingston’s upcoming nuptials. Might we suggest The Fly ? Celebrities Who Got Engaged in 2014 1. Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher have a wedding to plan and a baby to welcome. What an exciting year to come!

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Jeff Goldblum Reenacts Jurassic Park at Friends’ Wedding!

Christine O’Donnell Labels Piers Morgan "Creepy"

As a one-time witch, Christine O’Donnell should watch who she calls “creepy.” America’s favorite ultraconservative princess/occult dabbler continues to make the media rounds to promote her new book, hitting Today this morning. In response to questions about walking out on Piers Morgan earlier this week, she called out the CNN host and his line of “inappropriate” questioning. Christine O’Donnell Ad According to O’Donnell, it was Piers’ “very inappropriate, creepy line of questioning” that featured “sex questions that he would not ask of a man.” We disagree. If a male politician made railing against gay marriage and masturbating a centerpiece of his platform. Piers would probably bring it up. Furthermore, Piers’ questions all covered topics in her book Trouble Maker , which she was there to promote. She didn’t like them, so she peaced out. No, not on a broom.

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Christine O’Donnell Labels Piers Morgan "Creepy"

Jamie Jungers Grilled Over Tiger Woods Nude Pics

As she continues to make the media rounds dishing about her affair with Tiger Woods, mistress Jamie Jungers was caught in a bit of a lie Monday morning. During a radio interview with John & Ken on KFI 640 in Los Angeles, she was questioned about taking photos of Tiger Woods nude .

Jamie Jungers Grilled Over Tiger Woods Nude Pics