Tag Archives: making-better

How NOT To Get Into Shark Week! Great White Circles Big Wave Surfer Chuck Patterson (Video)

Gizmodo points us to a crazy video from big wave surfer Chuck Patterson who apparently took Discovery’s Shark Week to heart. he was stand-up paddle surging in San Clemente, California with several friends when they saw two sharks circle them for about 15 minutes. So, what any logical surfer would do next, he went back the following day with a camera strapped to a pole. Sure enough…he found what he’d hoped. Video after t… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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How NOT To Get Into Shark Week! Great White Circles Big Wave Surfer Chuck Patterson (Video)

7 Ways Food Allergies Could Actually Be Good for You — and the Earth

A food allergy diagnosis can range from being a minor inconvenience — like having to read labels to check for food dye — to a major health issue (think extreme, lethal allergies to milk, eggs, and nuts). But let’s look at the bright side for a moment: If you’re forced to pay attention to every ingredient that goes onto your plate, you could also be making better choices for your health and the environment — from choosing foods with smaller carbon footprints to defaulting to organic produce over packaged goods. In fact, we could learn a lot from the way people with food allergies approach their plate…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

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7 Ways Food Allergies Could Actually Be Good for You — and the Earth