We imagine the Eason family is looking forward to the end of 2018 and towards a new beginning in the new year. Well, we’d imagine they’d be thinking that way if they had even the tiniest little bit of sense. But we’re talking about Jenelle Evans and David Eason here. Sense is not really something they have in their heads. Yep, it’s pretty much just all ignorance and delusions and weed in there. See, things have just been going really, really badly for Jenelle and David this year. He was fired from Teen Mom 2 in February after going on a homophobic rant on Twitter, and that kicked off the huge downward spiral. After that, Jenelle refused to film for a while, and after she finally wrapped up filming that season, it took her several weeks to sign a new contract . Because she’s so codependent that she couldn’t imagine doing her job without her husband directly by her side. Let’s see, after that, Jenelle nearly got herself killed when she followed a stranger back to his house and pulled a gun on him in a fit of road rage . She then nearly lost custody of Kaiser when she and David were suspected of abusing him . Who could forget about that time that she called 911 and sobbed hysterically about how her husband had assaulted her ? More recently, David has been under investigation by the Secret Service for tagging the president in a video in which he shot an assault rifle. And now, on top of everything else, Jenelle could be facing several thousands of dollars in fines for burning the hair care products Kailyn Lowry sent her as a peace offering. Jenelle Evans to Kailyn Lowry: Your Hair Products SUCK! It’s just one great big mess. Their lives, we mean. But since Christmas was just a couple of days ago, Jenelle thought it was the perfect time to start getting the kids in on all the fun. She got Jace a woodburning kit as a gift, because burn everything, right? We don’t know if he specifically asked for this or if Jenelle and/or David just thought it would be neat, but the timing of all this sure is fun. They’re also getting a fair bit of criticism for thinking this gift was a good idea. She disabled the comments when she shared the photo, which is a shame, and she also didn’t link the post to her Twitter like she usually does. It seems like she was aware people would have things to say about this gift, and they did. “The presents Jace has are what David thinks is what he should have,” one person tweeted. “I can’t imagine for a second that Jace asked for them for Christmas, I can’t imagine a kid asking for a wood burning kit.” Another person wrote “But OF COURSE Jenelle and David would buy him a ‘wood burning kit.’ Poor kid is doomed.” There have been a lot of connections made between the gift and Jenelle’s dumb fire tantrum, but as much as we love trashing Jenelle, it’s just not warranted here. Woodburning doesn’t involving setting anything on fire, although it seems that’s what some people think, There’s no actual fire involved at all. With the kit that Jace got, you just take a woodburning pen, let it heat up, then burn designs in wood. There is an issue with this whole thing, of course. The kit is recommended for kids ages 14 and up because the pen gets super, super hot and a kid as young as Jace shouldn’t use it unless he’s under direct supervision. Unfortunately, that’s not really something kids seem to get much of down on the swamp. Just … be safe, Jace, OK? And Kaiser and Ensley and Maryssa, and whatever pets they have at the moment. View Slideshow: Teen Mom 2 Trailer: Jenelle Evans’ Marriage Implodes, Leah Finds Love, Adam Still Sucks & Much More!! Please be safe.
Read the rest here:
Jenelle Evans: Encouraging Kids to Burn Everything as Life Falls Apart