Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer on Friday smacked down PBS’s Mark Shields in a discussion about late Sen. Dan Rostenkowski’s legacy. As the conversation on this week’s “Inside Washington” turned to the passing of the former powerful Democrat, Shields swooned liked so many of his colleagues: Danny Rostenkowski was a throwback…he worked across the aisle. I mean, he was just phenomenal that way. There was no ideology to him. And, you want to know how politics has changed? Danny Rostenkowski used to go back to Chicago by car. You know who rode with him? Bob Michel, the Republican leader rode with him and back, and Henry Hyde, the conservative leader, and they were friends. With the ball nicely set up on the tee, Krauthammer ripped a monster drive down the middle of the fairway (video follows with transcript and commentary): MARK SHIELDS: But on Danny Rostenkowski, just one word. I have already spoken positively and emotionally about Charlie Rangel and I won’t do that again. But Danny Rostenkowski was a throwback, he was a guy’s guy, he liked a steak, he liked a good story, he liked to tell a good story. And, and he worked across the aisle. I mean, he was just phenomenal that way. There was no ideology to him. And, you want to know how politics has changed? Danny Rostenkowski used to go back to Chicago by car. You know who rode with him? Bob Michel, the Republican leader rode with him and back, and Henry Hyde, the conservative leader, and they were friends. Can you imagine now under this present climate these guys being together for twenty minute subway ride? GORDON PETERSON, HOST: Danny liked a good steak but did he bring home the bacon? CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: Bob Michel rode in his car and I am sure they had a lovely time with a lot of stories, but that is why the Republicans were in the minority for 40 years until he was taken over by Newt Gingrich who had an agenda, a Contract With America, and brought the Republicans in to power in the House. So I know how if you are a Democrat, it’s lovely if you have working across the aisle if you are in charge of the aisle. Indeed. The Left and their media minions just love bipartisanship and working across the aisle when they control both chambers of Congress. Yet when Republicans are in control, not so much. Bravo, Charles.

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Charles Krauthammer Smacks Down Mark Shields Over Rostenkowski’s Legacy