Tag Archives: marketing-moves

Kim Kardashian’s Possibly “Real” Uncensored Nude of the Day

Eariler today, I posted this BRUCE JENNER MASTURBATION VIDEO AS CAITLYN Earlier this week, Kim Karadashian posted a censored version of this picture, because she’s an attention seeking fame whore, that wanted the world to see her post – baby body when properly designed by having a few ribs removed, in waist training, fat transfer, plastic surgery, while photoshopped to fucking shit… Then she milked it by taking on the women who were calling her out for being a shameless whore that is a bad for the youth, since the youth are all starting to look like her…and all have the same weird body shape that she created through her surgery…and I don’t even know how these girls are getting these small wastes and huge asses…but it’s ugly bootleg and Lowgrade Kardashian regardless… And now here’s the rumored uncensored version, that I am gong to assume is a fake even if it’s real, because this bitch is a plastic, fake, monster…and she’s milking it… In more important news – Courtney Stodden did a spoof of the picture – because Kim Kardashian is a leader of the attention seeking whores…doesn’t she have a sex tape also? THAT’S RIGHT SHE DOES – HARD TO KEEP TRACK OF THESE SEX TAPING WHORES The post Kim Kardashian’s Possibly “Real” Uncensored Nude of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

See the original post here:
Kim Kardashian’s Possibly “Real” Uncensored Nude of the Day

Olympic Nipple Thanks to McKayla Maroney of the Day

McKayla Maroney will always be an Olympic Gold Medal winner, but unlike other Olympic Gold medal winners, she won her Olympic gold and virtually told her overbearing gymnast stage parent mom who saw talent in her baby and exploited that shit…to fuck off….in a “there’s not much more I can do than an Olympic Gold in this sport”….so she’s retired…to let the other 14 year olds who excel in the sport take her place in the pants of many creepy Olympic watching dudes who jerk off to the US gymnast team…who you can see HERE … I think the highlight of McKayla Maroney has been her ability to be subtle cockteaser, playing innocent young girl, all with the knowledge dudes were jerking off to her, based on her instagram comments alone…you know with innocent bikini pics… By the looks of it, she’s slowly morphing into a Kardashian…hard nipples and all.. The post Olympic Nipple Thanks to McKayla Maroney of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Go here to see the original:
Olympic Nipple Thanks to McKayla Maroney of the Day

Jennifer Lawrence Being Spanked in the Bahamas of the Day

I am still taking in these Jennifer Lawrence pictures of her in a bikini. Not because she’s amazing in a bikini, but because she’s so fucking average, yet so fucking famous…in one of these deals with the devil that doesn’t really make sense to me, but I guess I’m not a Hollywood producer, or casting director…that found my golden ticket and put all my resources and connections into her…. She’s like one of those apps you find out is a billion dollar app because all these billionaire put money into it and marketed it…even though it’s a shitty fucking app…but the female award winning actor version…makes no sense.. But her nudes were pretty solid, let’s get more of those… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Jennifer Lawrence Being Spanked in the Bahamas of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Jennifer Lawrence Being Spanked in the Bahamas of the Day

Gigi Hadid’s True Spoiled Brat Unappreciative Colors Shine Through of the Day

Gigi Hadid is a rich kid who has a modeling career because she’s a rich kid. She’s so fucking spoiled that she whined her way into a publicist and getting work and with the right marketing moves and a decent enough look, while being at all the key events, she got picked up by lazy marketers who were like “oh people talk about her, let’s hire her”…. But the truth is she’s a vain, egotistical, narcissistic, high maintenance brat you’d expect her to be…and here she is having a tantrum with the paparazzi who she spent two years paying to take pics of her in the quest to be this famous thing she’s become… I guess you can’t suppress you’re true fucking colors, but you can show the world by flipping us all off, because we are the fucking suckers who buy into her nonsense…that is toxic, sour, horrible, rich kid nonsense I could spot the first day she happened. What a fucking cunt… The post Gigi Hadid’s True Spoiled Brat Unappreciative Colors Shine Through of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

The rest is here:
Gigi Hadid’s True Spoiled Brat Unappreciative Colors Shine Through of the Day