Tag Archives: masses

Jennifer Lawrence Awkward Walk in Shorts of the Day

Jennifer Lawrence was the awkward weird celebrity who had no sex appeal and who I didn’t understand. Almost like an Anna Kedrick, in a “why are these girls so popular, they aren’t even hot”…especially not this Jennifer Lawrence character, she’s so thick but yet constantly nominated for Academy Awards…is her dad on the Academy? I mean it was just crazy.. Then a man apparently from Chicago…with nerdism on his side, took his nerd skills to Apple, who may be built on nerds, but nerds are GODS there are loopholes…attacked icloud…got all her nudes….and all of a sudden…Jennifer Lawrence was a babe…who should have won academy awards for knowing how to post in sexts and selfies…seriously….she was that good… Then there’s the whole fucking the dude from Coldplay who must be in his 50s…reminding us all that her clumsy ass act…is a dirty little bird…who may now have AIDS..but nothing green juice won’t save…right Gwyneth… Not that celebrities don’t have access to the cure for AIDS…you think the government would make a disease without a cure…I mean get serious people… All this to say…she’s not that hot..but she is still hot…and it all happened cuz of her nudes…so girls…don’t let your morals get in the way…get naked. take pics with your phone..that’s why there’s a camera…send them around…don’t be shy…and good things will happen…but I guess you already know that…it comes with being born with a vagina…and I come to vagina…so much in common.. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Jennifer Lawrence Awkward Walk in Shorts of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Jennifer Lawrence Awkward Walk in Shorts of the Day

Taylor Swift Inflatable with her Boyfriend of the Day

It is safe to say that Taylor Swift’s relationship with Calvin Harris is probably a lie or a diversion – because Taylor Swift has used relationships as a lie or diversion to connect to the masses and make a lot of money since pretty much her first song…She’s got this “poor me, I’m so sad, I just want love, so I made 100,000,000 dollars last year and let some DJ fuck me up the ass”…because “John Mayer Taught me how much I like being fucked up the ass”…while “One Direction was more into me fucking them up the ass, but they were so popular it was good for business, even if it lasted 3 weeks”… It’s like this probable herpes ridden freakshow, tall, thin, powerhouse freak…knows how to fuck you…and probably herself…because with this many boyfriends…her pussy is insatiable… All this to say…Calvin Harris is a fame whore…and I remember him when he was a hipster DJ no one cared about… The post Taylor Swift Inflatable with her Boyfriend of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Taylor Swift Inflatable with her Boyfriend of the Day

Reese Witherspoon Continues to Brainwash the Masses of the Day

I would say that this is Reese Witherspoon patronizing the masses..like she was Walmart and not at some Walmart event doing a little dance for these lower middle class people to feel joy and excitment thanks to having depressing lives that led them to a Walmart event… It’s like “Oh she’s like us, she’s like us and she’s gone hollywood, she’s like us, just a good old country girl”…forgetting she’s a vapid twat, with 100s of millions of dollars, who plays country bumpkin, drunk cop patronizing brat, to keep them all on her side…because people are half retarded…as you already know.. The post Reese Witherspoon Continues to Brainwash the Masses of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Reese Witherspoon Continues to Brainwash the Masses of the Day

Nicola Peltz is Hot as Fuck in a Bikini of the Day

Nicola Peltz is a billionaire, or her father is, which makes her a billionaire…with all the right morals and values in place like wanting to be a model, actress and famous…because the masses sucking up to her is better than just her immediate circle but more importantly…she’s skinny and I like it…enough to think she’s hot…and to encourage the public to buy into her nonsense egotistical attempt to feel complete, valid, appreciated, love her daddy never gave her…because he was too busy making billions…because I’d rather look at her than other rich trash pollution our lives thanks to the media…because she’ hot.

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Nicola Peltz is Hot as Fuck in a Bikini of the Day

The World’s Greatest Trolls In The Days Before The Internet

These geniuses didn’t need social media or a comments section to antagonize the masses. And history is better for it.

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The World’s Greatest Trolls In The Days Before The Internet

Miley Cyrus Does Steve Urkel of the Day

What can’t Miley Do…. Miley Cyrus is Making Fun of Us…as she does the Urkel on stage for her fans that probably paid too much for a ticket…because she can do whatever the fuck she wants…the idiots will cheer her on…and she just keeps on going deeper and deeper with this circus clown car shit you know she’ll be thinking about in 10 years when no one cares and she’s got the hairdryer in her hand while taking a bath…ready to end it all…but for some reason I love it.. You see despite being corporate, and making huge money for a lot of evil people, I feel like it’s a fuck you on everyone’s part to the masses, or at least by the creative director…while being the total opposite of anything punk rock…who made this puppet humiliate herself and I just can’t imagine execs being behind this,but just shaking their head at its ridiculousness as they count their money… And the nice thing is that she’s roped her sister into all this… TO SEE A WHOLE LOT OF HER CONCERT PICS CLICK HERE

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Miley Cyrus Does Steve Urkel of the Day

Selena Gomez’s New Video of the Day

Selena Gomez “leaked” her newest video…that I didn’t watch but suggest that if you do, you do it on mute, because lets face it, shitty mind numbing pop that they shove down our throat and drive subliminal messages into our heads, without us wanted them to, using these Disney starlets to get them while they are young, isn’t really anything I like to support, especially when it sounds like robot, over produced shit, that I know I will hear too much of…horrible…this is all that is wrong in the world….

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Selena Gomez’s New Video of the Day

Miley Cyrus Posing Like a Caged Animal of the Day

Miley Cyrus posting in front of a fence while random people look on, is pretty representative of her life, you know the caged animal who can’t escape the prison her life has become, working for the illuminati to brain wash the masses, as we watch on like idiots, so they can take over the financial system, eventually imprisoning us more than they already have… Which happens to be my new porn…I love a good sexy cry for help…all lean and tight bodied…knowing she’s a fucking spoiled brat. cuz caged women with tight little bodie who are puppets for Disney execs..and the devil…is erotic.

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Miley Cyrus Posing Like a Caged Animal of the Day

XXL Magazine Reveals 2013 Freshman Class Cover

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Since 2007 XXL Magazine has introduced a new class of Freshman MCs to the masses via their annual cover.  Initially dubbed, “Leaders of the New…

XXL Magazine Reveals 2013 Freshman Class Cover

Xzibit Takes To Twitter To Vent About The Unfriendly Skies!

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  Anyone who travels frequently, has run in to a few bad flight attendants in their time. Most flight attendants are amazing, wonderful, helpful people.…

Xzibit Takes To Twitter To Vent About The Unfriendly Skies!