Tag Archives: maybe-the-dude

Funny Gay Fighter at a Chicago Public Aid Office of the Day

I don’t really know what’s going on here or what instigated this fight, but I can only assume it was something gay, like maybe the dude told the other dude he didn’t look good in heels, or that he was not going to be the next J.Lo and he went fuckin insane and showed him that despite how limp a motherfucker’s wrist is, if they are from the ghetto, they know how to fuckin’ react proper and not with their dick sucking ability but with their pent up anger…and years of having to defend themselves from the less gay friendly people in the housing projects…. The ultimate fuck you to the dude who got beat down by the psycho queen, is when the brawling homo does a little dance like he’s on fucking broadway before being kicked out….I can here the dude who got beat down’s balls fold into a fucking into a vagina with every dance step…this is too nuts to be real.

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Funny Gay Fighter at a Chicago Public Aid Office of the Day

Gemma Atkinson’s 2010 Calendar Preview of the Day

Remember Gemma Atkinson, that UK bitch with big tits who was all over the fuckin’ place over the course of the last 5 years until one day pretty much dropping off the map, or at least out of my view and I totally forgot about her, because ugly chicks with big tits who get photoshopped into something worth fucking aren’t that appealing to me, unless they are riding my face like a T-Bar at the ski hill, but here she is tryin to make us remember her everyday of the year with this 2010 Calendar, something you’d think would be outdated now that we have smartphones, computers, digital cameras and watches with the date all over the shit, but I guess no one said she was an innovator, and I guess there will always be a weird immigrant mechanic keepin’ up tradition from the old country who likes to have seemingly hot sluts posing next to dates, but I find the whole thing dull…

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Gemma Atkinson’s 2010 Calendar Preview of the Day

Halle Berry Goes Shopping of the Day

Halle Berry sure has come a long way from the burlap sack and her no bed, no electricity, no running water shanty she shared with 40 other black families back on the plantation.

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Halle Berry Goes Shopping of the Day

Gwen Stefani’s Unfortunate See Thru Shirt of the Day

I never understood why Gwen Stefani was ever considered hot. I remember her stomach exposing tops during the beginning of her career, showing off her abs and next to nothing tits, and thinking to myself why this dude was pretending to be a chick, was it because girl rock was making the charts and they figured they could really penetrate the market, and all it took was a little tape. Then she got married and I figured that maybe the dude was a poofter who didn’t want to be known as a poofter but then she got pregnant and I was stumped, until seeing an episode of Desperate Housewife, where the redhead pretended she was pregnant when her daughter was actually pregant, so she sent the daughter away, so people thought it was her kid when the kid dropped, then realized she had a surrogate in her poolhouse or some shit…..and here she is still pretending she’s got a pussy, by wearing a bra and a see thru top, we call this overcompensating to really push the lie, when she should probably just undo the straps and let it all hang the fuck out… Pics Via PacificCoastNews

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Gwen Stefani’s Unfortunate See Thru Shirt of the Day