Tag Archives: life-or-some

Radha Mitchell Full Frontal in Feast of Love of the Day

Here’s some white bitch with a Hindu name because her parents were some kind of weird Australian hippies who related to the Hindu way of life or some other bullshit I know I’d find annoying if I was at their dinner party listening to them preach their garbage…..not that I’d ever be invited to their dinner party but you get what I am saying….and if you don’t it doesn’t really matter but it does involve boring white people attaching themselves to other people’s cultures….when they could just do what their daughter is doing and that’s attaching their hairy pussies to some dude in some low level movie sex scene from two years ago on their quest to find fame but that didn’t work out so well cuz no one ever saw the shit or has any idea who this bitch is, but she’s good enough for me, which isn’t saying much, cuz I have fucked some pretty questionable things over the years…..some human…some not…but all good enough for me….


Originally posted here:
Radha Mitchell Full Frontal in Feast of Love of the Day

Gemma Atkinson’s 2010 Calendar Preview of the Day

Remember Gemma Atkinson, that UK bitch with big tits who was all over the fuckin’ place over the course of the last 5 years until one day pretty much dropping off the map, or at least out of my view and I totally forgot about her, because ugly chicks with big tits who get photoshopped into something worth fucking aren’t that appealing to me, unless they are riding my face like a T-Bar at the ski hill, but here she is tryin to make us remember her everyday of the year with this 2010 Calendar, something you’d think would be outdated now that we have smartphones, computers, digital cameras and watches with the date all over the shit, but I guess no one said she was an innovator, and I guess there will always be a weird immigrant mechanic keepin’ up tradition from the old country who likes to have seemingly hot sluts posing next to dates, but I find the whole thing dull…

Follow this link:
Gemma Atkinson’s 2010 Calendar Preview of the Day

Halle Berry Goes Shopping of the Day

Halle Berry sure has come a long way from the burlap sack and her no bed, no electricity, no running water shanty she shared with 40 other black families back on the plantation.

Read the rest here:
Halle Berry Goes Shopping of the Day

Stephanie Pratt in Her Bikini of the Day

I am guess this girl is Spencer Pratt’s sister or someone they hired to play his sister and she’s in a bikini and I am not.

Read more here:
Stephanie Pratt in Her Bikini of the Day

Holly Montag in a Bikini Top of the Day

Here is my friend from Facebook named Holly Montag.

More here:
Holly Montag in a Bikini Top of the Day