Tag Archives: making-someone

Victoria’s Secret Girls in Puerto Rico in Bikinis of the Day

Victoria’s Secret brought their stable of girls who they own, because when it is a modelling contract, and they are paid very well, it is not called slavery, even if their modelling requires being half naked, which is pornographic to many overly uptight Christian and Muslim women, making someone like me see similarities with owning a woman, sex slavery, human trafficking, or even a porno contract…because let’s face it, the whole point of lingerie is not for function, but to increase the sex appeal of a woman for herself and/or her lover, who is either man or woman, but usually man, since Lesbians are more into wearing long johns, and the whole thing is just so sexual…but accepted by the mainstream as ok..so I guess they aren’t hookers, but girls who you pay to come to your house in lingerie to Cock/and/Ball Torture are… Double standards…. Here are a bunch of pics of them in Puerto Rico doing bikini model bullshit..

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Victoria’s Secret Girls in Puerto Rico in Bikinis of the Day

Reverend Al Sharpton’s Statement Helped Me See I Was Exploiting Zimmerman’s ‘Fame’

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“We must be very careful not to glorify or in any way sidestep the implications of making someone whose only claim to fame was killing…

Reverend Al Sharpton’s Statement Helped Me See I Was Exploiting Zimmerman’s ‘Fame’

Shameless Nudity on TV of the Day

I love that TV is on the move towards porn…it gives me hope that one day my TV show will get picked up…the only issue is that I haven’t bothered writing it cuz I am lazy….coupled with the fact that I don’t know how to write, I don’t have any good concepts, even if I did, they’d never sell or get produced because I’m that kind of failure…but it is nice to pretend that all my ideas are consistently getting ripped off…like Californication or Shameless…cuz it is good for my self esteem….see no one likes to admit they barely exist…which is possibly why I cry when I masturbate… I’m just fucking around…I’m too lazy to care or feel like a loser…what I am trying to say is that tits on TV has been something I’ve always wanted when TV was invented….and something I appreciate now that it is here enough to skip the show itself and download the clip off the internet cuz SOPA is my bitch…. Here’ Laura Wiggins….getting fucked up the ass…..while having small talk… Here’s Emmy Rossum…..Hates me on twitter but I like watching her fuck….


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Shameless Nudity on TV of the Day

Katherine McPhee Armpit Lick of the Day

A dirty, hippie, vegan bitch I originally met in the park cuz she was trying to get me to sign something protesting composting not being available to apartment dwellers…or some shit I responded to cuz she had no bra on….and decided to make into a FB friend….once asked me when drunk if she could sniff my dirty armpit while I lick her dirty armpit while mutually masturbating…making me think Armpits are an actual fetish…and this Katherine McPhee shit is making someone somewhere very happy as her jerks off right now….unfortuantly…I like my armpit fetish porn with more nudity.

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Katherine McPhee Armpit Lick of the Day

Gwen Stefani’s Unfortunate See Thru Shirt of the Day

I never understood why Gwen Stefani was ever considered hot. I remember her stomach exposing tops during the beginning of her career, showing off her abs and next to nothing tits, and thinking to myself why this dude was pretending to be a chick, was it because girl rock was making the charts and they figured they could really penetrate the market, and all it took was a little tape. Then she got married and I figured that maybe the dude was a poofter who didn’t want to be known as a poofter but then she got pregnant and I was stumped, until seeing an episode of Desperate Housewife, where the redhead pretended she was pregnant when her daughter was actually pregant, so she sent the daughter away, so people thought it was her kid when the kid dropped, then realized she had a surrogate in her poolhouse or some shit…..and here she is still pretending she’s got a pussy, by wearing a bra and a see thru top, we call this overcompensating to really push the lie, when she should probably just undo the straps and let it all hang the fuck out… Pics Via PacificCoastNews

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Gwen Stefani’s Unfortunate See Thru Shirt of the Day

Lady Gaga Has Not Pants On and Is Acting Ridiculous of the Day

Lady Gaga is a fucking clown who does anything to distract the world from her ugly fucking face. It’s like she created this whole act around trying to mask her ugliness and I guess it’s worked out in her favor, so maybe all you ugly people out there, and I know there are a lot of you reading this site, should take her lead and start wearing masks, oversized suglasses, hats, costumes, wigs and change the way you speak to sound like a stereotypical homosexual but instead of admitting that you are mockin’ and exploiting their lifestyle, give them a little attention and make them your fans, or some shit. Either way, she disgusts me and is pretty much the only person I hate in entertainment who I want to make a vow to stop writing about because it’s just repetitive and bores me, but when she’s got no pants, not shirt and is throwing a bouqet of flowes, I just gotta put it out there in hopes of making someone hate her enough to hunt her down and make her “disappear”…..or at least get people to stop buying her records and going to her shows….

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Lady Gaga Has Not Pants On and Is Acting Ridiculous of the Day