Tag Archives: doing-bikini

Izabel Goulart Hot Bikini Body of the Day

Izabel Goulart has a hot fucking body. I used to really appreciate her workout videos. I don’t think I’ve watched any of them in a very fucking long time because I fucking hate instagram…but there was a while where I was posting them all the time….you can probably check the archives if you care…and I probably wrote the exact same thing I’m writing now about old bitches who still like to walk the VS lingerie runway….so they stay in shape….who ditched out on the brand’s day to day angel-ing to move back to Brazil on her pile of money…..to focus on being close to 40 fucking years old and committed to health and nutrition…pretty much retired..not bad for a Brazilian…who may be a tranny, I mean the muscle tone coupled with hearing that Brazil has the best Trannies that look like women so long as you’re not scared of AIDS….and you’re not…because you’d wear it as a badge of “Look everyone, all the haters, I have proof I’ve had sex, POSITIVE PROOF”…. Either way, her body is mental… See how mental it is….and all it takes is diet and exercise slackers…don’t know how to take an athlete approach to winning at life. TO SEE MORE OF THE PICS CLICK HERE JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Izabel Goulart Hot Bikini Body of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Izabel Goulart Hot Bikini Body of the Day

Lindsey Vonn Bikini Pussy Print of the Day

Earlier today, even though it’s 8:49 in the morning, and I am still awake from drinking all night and uploading nonsense for you unappreciative pieces of shit to look at and not give me any money for…. I posted a pic of new Olympic Starlet Chloe Kim in a bikini….. I figure it’s only fair to go to the opposite end of the spectrum and show an Old as fuck, weathered and beaten Olympian in a bikini…sure this one isn’t a Gold Medalist and has let down the country but for a while was masturbation fodder in the men’s magazines for you perverts…so as she ages like a good old fashioned loaf of bread…she wants to document the demise in bikini pics so you can join her in that demise..and this is her most recent erotic….you can see her hip bridge / pussy print if you look hard enough…but you already know that don’t you…cuz you’re looking hard enough. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Lindsey Vonn Bikini Pussy Print of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Lindsey Vonn Bikini Pussy Print of the Day

Joy Corrigan See Through Hard Nipples of the Day

Joy Corrigan, a Florida girl, who has made a career of being a bikini catalog model, doing bikini catalog photoshoots, has pushed herself from Florida to being in the scene, cycling through the bikini industry in NYC and LA, working with all kinds of brands and meeting all kinds of people, like rich men who end up dating her….and she’s decided to up her “fashion” blogger strategy by taking her topless beach life to the streets with a sheer top so you can see her nipples…while out and about…in a trend we hope happens everywhere and not just with women with bolt ons…even though I hate fake tits, I don’t hate them that bad, since they are tits. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Joy Corrigan See Through Hard Nipples of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

Joy Corrigan See Through Hard Nipples of the Day

Melania Trump VS Trump’s Hand of the Day

We’ve all been there. A Cunty bitch who is totally unappreciative of all you’ve given her…from the fancy life, to the child, to the retirement plan, and even to the white house…this motherfucker made this bitch the First Lady of your Country…and she’s still gonna slap his hand away from him, either from disgust because he’s a pig, a pig she married, who is humiliating her and the family, despite her marrying him…going out to public and rejecting his mini hand…that’s cold… It’s just a reminder that girls, if they are in a mood, with their periods, which are totally unnatural despite what feminists say….they will not give a fuck who’s watching who it is in front of…and they will tantrum… But pussy is still so good though… The post Melania Trump VS Trump’s Hand of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Melania Trump VS Trump’s Hand of the Day

Hannah Ferguson Humping the Air of the Day

Hannah Ferguson is a Sports Illustrated bikini model, she’s living the bikini life, doing bikini things, like fucking rich dudes, or maybe she herself is a rich dude, who just happens to look good in a Bikini, who can tell really..not me, not here, not now… What I do know is that she’s humping the air in jeans, something that could be hot, but isn’t quite hot, especially when she’s not in a bikini. It’s like she’s trying to trick us into liking her clothed, pretty presumptuous really….because we can’t learn to love again, when we’ve seen her big model titties not in big model mom jeans….seriously. The post Hannah Ferguson Humping the Air of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Hannah Ferguson Humping the Air of the Day

Sarah Hyland Does Candies Spring Collection

I guess Ariel Winter hasn’t totally overtaken  Sarah Hyland  as the new most famous Modern Family kid, because Candie’s just had Sarah model their spring collection. And don’t get me wrong, I’ll take any excuse I can get to see a new photoshoot from one of my favorite TV cuties. But still, getting Sarah to model clothes seems like a real waste of her “talent.” It’s pretty obvious she should be doing bikini and/or lingerie shoots instead. I can’t be the only one who sees it, right? » view all 20 photos

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Sarah Hyland Does Candies Spring Collection

Padma Lakshmi in Lingerie of the Day

“Don’t hate because I’m in lingerie. Moms do that sometimes.” Padma Lakshmi is most famously known as being a sugar baby. The kind of girl who gets in her lingerie when it comes to seducing old billionaires. In such a dark and egotistical way that she pretends the baby she is carrying from one billionaire – belongs to another billionaire who was dying of cancer – only to ensure that baby – who wasn’t even that billionaire’s baby – get the fucking billion dollar inheritance…despite already having a billion dollar inheritance from the actual biological father…because she’s a fucking dirty, low level trick…who targets the high end john… She’s in her 50s, in her lingerie, demostrating tits that tricked men into making the creature that crawled out of her cunt…worth more than God… Terrible human being..but the tits are good…not worth billion dollar babies according to me..that she can prove otherwise with bank statements…but still good..for an old weathered cunt… The post Padma Lakshmi in Lingerie of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Padma Lakshmi in Lingerie of the Day

Heidi Klum’s 100 Years Old Body Doing Bikini Shoots of the Day

Heidi Klum is a 100 year old freak of nature. I am going to assume that dude with the MAKITA power tool is either with an Air Compressor, or a Staple gun to keep her GUNT in place… I mean that, or she’s a product of Nazi Germany, that wasn’t that long ago in the grand scheme of Humanity, and Heidi Klum’s life, and in being a product of Nazi Germany she’s both Genetically modified and ages great thanks to the good old genetic/human experiments designed in the BAYER labs when creating Asprin….and a sexual deviant who likes getting shit on or maybe she’s the one doing the shitty after being violated by Seal’s arm sized penis that made her a bunch of babies… There’s video….on her instagram… A video posted by Heidi Klum (@heidiklum) on Sep 27, 2016 at 4:21pm PDT Here she is jumping into bed… A video posted by Heidi Klum (@heidiklum) on Sep 29, 2016 at 5:21am PDT Here she is seducing you so over exposed you can’t tell she’s 100 years old…. A video posted by Heidi Klum (@heidiklum) on Oct 1, 2016 at 7:09pm PDT Seriously…this is like some of those handjob tutorials you see in porn… A video posted by Heidi Klum (@heidiklum) on Oct 2, 2016 at 3:52pm PDT The post Heidi Klum’s 100 Years Old Body Doing Bikini Shoots of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Heidi Klum’s 100 Years Old Body Doing Bikini Shoots of the Day

Ariel Winter In A Bikini

A photo posted by @racingfan04 on Apr 6, 2016 at 2:21am PDT Ariel Winter ‘s still got a ways to go before she catches up with Sofia Vergara in the hotness department, but if she keeps doing bikini yoga in full view of the paps like this, she’s going to pass Sarah Hyland on the Modern Family Hottie Power Rankings in no time. And I have to say, I’m impressed. What Ariel lacks in flexibility, she certainly makes up for in the funbag region. Well done! Dm us to get a shoutout #tattoo #inkedgirls #arielwinter #fitnessgirl #inked #bikinilife #tattoolife #fitnessaddict #l4l #armtattoos #picoftheday #follow4follow #tattoogirls #tattooed #blonde#selfie #smile #bikini#fitness #girlswithtattoos #girls #celebrity #love#tattooedwomen#fitnessfreak #girlswithpiercings #girlswithabs A photo posted by Celebrities,Bikinis,Sexy (@paparazzi_bikinis_celebrities) on Apr 6, 2016 at 4:13am PDT @arielwinter turning herself on by rubbing her feet against her pussy. #arielwinter A photo posted by @racingfan04 on Apr 6, 2016 at 2:34am PDT @arielwinter knowing what her position is. #arielwinter A photo posted by @racingfan04 on Apr 6, 2016 at 2:20am PDT

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Ariel Winter In A Bikini

Daniela Lopez Osorio’s Booty Show Is Unreal!

In case you forgot, last time we got a set of pictures from  Daniela Lopez Osorio   this hot, I decided it was finally time to take this one-sided Internet relationship of ours to the next level and make the Colombian hottie my latest future ex-wife. It’s a classic love story, really — blogger meets girl, girl pretends not to know blogger exists, continues on with her life. I’m a little surprised nobody’s written a poem about it yet. » view all 21 photos

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Daniela Lopez Osorio’s Booty Show Is Unreal!