When you go to the trouble and the expense of buying fake tits of this magnitude…being in lingerie is kinda what you are meant to do…or destined to do…or the only thing you can do to make it all make sense…otherwise…there would be one massively confused riff in the universe….meaning a classy young lady like this Melissa Debling who I don’t know, recognize or want to bother googling or even searching this site to find out more on….should be banned from wearing anything but lingerie….I mean why save it for photoshoots like this…when it could and should be her everyday outfit…to the bank, funerals, grocery stores…you know make them titties matter girl…. Here are the pics…of what look tacky, trashy, and low level pig of a stripper..the way I like it…she’s not hot..but she’s got tits…which save her…. Garbage… I didn’t post all the pics – but you can see them if you… FOLLOW THIS LINK
See the article here:
Melissa Debling’s Gutter Lingerie Shoot of the Day