Tag Archives: maryse-ouellet

Maryse Ouellet’s Sexy Bikini Tweets!

Here’s former WWE Diva and French Canadian hottie Maryse Ouellet with a pair of great bikini Twitpics of her great pair. I know she’s not with the WWE anymore, like her fellow hottie Kelly Kelly , but I’m glad to see she’s still keeping busy. I wonder if she takes requests, because I’m thinking Maryse could turn this into a full-time job if she’s interested.

See the rest here:
Maryse Ouellet’s Sexy Bikini Tweets!

Maryse Ouellet’s Sexy Bikini Line

Here is French Canadian and former WWE Diva Maryse Ouellet modelling her new swimwear line. It seems that in the last year the WWE has let go of many of their hot Divas. Maybe they’re trying to attract more gay men to their programming (not that there is anything wrong with that), but as a straight male there’s absolutely no reason to watch it anymore. Anyway, hopefully Maryse keeps putting out bikini pictures like this and maybe for the next photoshoot she can ask Kelly Kelly to join her. I hear she’s out of a job too and could probably use the work.

Maryse Ouellet’s Sexy Bikini Line

Here is French Canadian and former WWE Diva Maryse Ouellet modelling her new swimwear line. It seems that in the last year the WWE has let go of many of their hot Divas. Maybe they’re trying to attract more gay men to their programming (not that there is anything wrong with that), but as a straight male there’s absolutely no reason to watch it anymore. Anyway, hopefully Maryse keeps putting out bikini pictures like this and maybe for the next photoshoot she can ask Kelly Kelly to join her. I hear she’s out of a job too and could probably use the work.

Creeping Melissa Debling’s Twitter Account

I’ve done lots of  Picture Moments with British hottie Melissa Debling in the past, but never an actual post on her. Well, it’s about time we changed that. I think her boobies deserve it. And it’s nice to see that they look just as good in Twitter candids as they do in professional photoshoots. That’s how you determine whether a girl’s a natural beauty, right? I wonder if the same holds true for breasts. » view all 24 photos Related Articles: Melissa Debling Picture Moment Maryse Ouellet In Sexy Poses Maryse Ouellet Shows Off Her Assets Maryse Ouellet Hoses Down The Bikini Body

Read more from the original source:
Creeping Melissa Debling’s Twitter Account

Maryse Ouellet Is French For Uber Hot Babe

Here’s WWE Diva and French Canadian Maryse Ouellet posing for a very sexy photoshoot. Did you guys know that a “Maryse Ouellet” means uber hot babe in french? OK, I might have made that up, but it rolls off the tongue nicely, so I think I’m going to use it from now on. Enjoy the pics.

This Is Not Kim Kardashian’s Nude Body

According to recent internet chatter, this is supposed to be a picture of Kim Kardashian naked that Kanye West tweeted then quickly removed. I love the internet, it’s always so reliable. Turns out it’s not Kim at all, it’s actually a picture of some ninety pound pornstar named Amia Miley that she posted on her Twitter page a few months ago. For someone who’s only ninety pounds, she’s sure got a booty on her. She must be like four feet tall. Whoever she is, we have a lot in common, we both like to eat in the nude.

Maryse Ouellet Hoses Down The Bikini Body

I don’t know about you, but I happen to really enjoy French Canadian women, they’re just so exotic. Not exotic like Brazilian women or German strip clubs or anything like that, but exotic in the sense that they like to have their picture taken like pornstars. Here’s Maryse Ouellet hosing herself down in a very little bikini. Enough said. Did I mention she looks like she’s oiled herself up? Silly girl, oil and water don’t mix.

Maryse Ouellet French Canadian Hotness

I post a lot of pictures of French Canadian hottie Maryse Ouellet , she and I have been having an internet love affair for years now, but I rarely get shots of her wearing so much clothing. What the hell? Alright so it’s a tight, short dress that doesn’t leave a whole lot to the imagination, but she’s still covering up most of the good parts. Has internet fame gone to her head? She’s too good to be posing with her booty in the air with a fan blowing her skirt up? What’s happened to you?

Maryse Ouellet Shows Us Her Puppies

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that I doubt these pictures of wrestling hottie Maryse Ouelet have anything to do with Peta … Just a hunch.

Maryse Ouellet Shows Off Her Assets

If you aren’t really sure who this Maryse Ouellet chick is, you might want to look her up because I think she’s about to become the next big thing in the world of glamour models. I’ve been posting pictures of her for quite some time now because I’m in tune with this kind of thing, it’s my job, but I thought you guys should all get to know the French Canadian hottie. Especially if she’s going to be pulling off photoshoots like this hotness.